
first/last release: 1996/01 - 1999/10
years active: 1996 (5), 1997 (6), 1998 (8), 1999 (16)
(sub)packs released: 35
smallest/largest pack: purg-24d/purg-21
lifetime artworks: 1032
lifetime lines: 40 482

average # of lines per artwork: 61
average # of artworks per pack: 29
longest serving member(s): the reaper (1996/01-1999/10)
most productive member: the reaper (190)
extensions: ZIP (35), LIT (17), ANS (237), ASC (355), LST (1), NFO (18), PCX (2), JPG (142), RIP (10), EXE (10), DAT (2), DIZ (2), MEM (9), SIT (1), HDR (1), GIF (29), PRG (25), TRR (1), LGO (1), COL (38), GST (12), TXT (15), MAG (2), MOD (1), XM (5), S3M (3), BMP (3), 024 (3), IT (2), 025 (1), 028 (3), 029 (2), BIN (2), 030 (1), 031 (3)



Feb 1996 - purg-02

entries: 42
contributors: bossman, demon bane, the reaper, trebor

Apr 1996 - purg-03

entries: 25
contributors: bossman, jaguar, the reaper, trebor


Feb 1997 - purg-07b

entries: 13
contributors: adya, cytral skunk, kriss, remenis, sa, the warlord, wuyang

Nov 1997 - purg-08

entries: 5
contributors: jack phlash, jandor, the reaper

Nov 1997 - purg-09

entries: 8
contributors: boiler maker, da bulldog, jack phlash, jandor, midknight, rumish, shanifer, the reaper, xor

Dec 1997 - purg-10

entries: 8
contributors: essence, jandor, midknight, ohseven, sudiphed, the reaper, volatile, wu36, xor



Mar 1999 - purg-24b

entries: 18
contributors: blackass, dumbas, injektilo, mapherick, oipunk, spag, the reaper, xebra

Mar 1999 - purg-24c

entries: 11
contributors: deefive, jandor, llarissa vega, nemesis

Mar 1999 - purg-24d

entries: 2
contributors: mr d

May 1999 - purg-25a

entries: 13
contributors: galanacer, mr d, myd, naz, oipunk, produkt, scrye, slackzor, squibby


May 1999 - purg-25b

entries: 10
contributors: blackass, destroyr, gehenna, mapherick, psychological warfare, xebra

Jul 1999 - purg-28b

entries: 8
contributors: gehenna, spag, suntzu

Aug 1999 - purg-29b

entries: 3
contributors: injektilo, lord, wu36

Oct 1999 - purg-31

entries: 22
contributors: 2mstone, alkanine, do, e27, injektilo, klumzee, polymorph, produkt, purg, tee_are, the reaper, zubfatal