3o3 Productions (303)
The name is a reference to the Roland tb303.
first/last release: 1997/03 - 1997/07
years active: 1997 (4)
(sub)packs released: 4
smallest/largest pack: 3o3pack3/3o3pack4
lifetime artworks: 134
lifetime lines: 5 075
average # of lines per artwork: 53
average # of artworks per pack: 34
longest serving member(s): 303 productions (1997/03-1997/07), nibc (1997/03-1997/07), deezack (1997/03-1997/07), red (1997/03-1997/07), pestilence (1997/03-1997/07), big yellow man (1997/03-1997/07)
most productive member: crash test dummy (18)
extensions: ANS (92), JPG (17), 3O3 (1), ASC (8), DIZ (1), GIF (5), ZIP (1)
links: demozoo
first/last release: 1997/03 - 1997/07
years active: 1997 (4)
(sub)packs released: 4
smallest/largest pack: 3o3pack3/3o3pack4
lifetime artworks: 134
lifetime lines: 5 075
average # of lines per artwork: 53
average # of artworks per pack: 34
longest serving member(s): 303 productions (1997/03-1997/07), nibc (1997/03-1997/07), deezack (1997/03-1997/07), red (1997/03-1997/07), pestilence (1997/03-1997/07), big yellow man (1997/03-1997/07)
most productive member: crash test dummy (18)
extensions: ANS (92), JPG (17), 3O3 (1), ASC (8), DIZ (1), GIF (5), ZIP (1)
links: demozoo