group group longname active # packs # contributors
rebelart Rebel Art 1998-1999 8 63
rebels 1994-1994 1 1
rebirth 2005-2005 2 13
reign 1998-1998 2 18
relic 1994-1995 16 46
religion 1997-1997 2 3
rem Radical Elite Movement 1993-1994 7 16
remorse Remorse 1981 1994-2005 57 281
reunion 2006-2007 2 17
revival 2002-2002 6 58
revolt Revolt 1994-1995 4 20
rib 1997-1998 13 27
rigamortiz 1996-1996 4 5
rigor RiGOR Revolution 1995-1996 5 55
rile 1996-1997 6 74
riot REVOLUTiON iN OUR TiME 1997-1998 15 34
riot 1993 1993-1994 4 26
rise Rewriting International Standards of Excellence 1995-1995 3 13
rival rival 1995-1996 9 56
roc Rulers of Chaos 1994-1998 16 61
room 208 room 208 1999-1999 1 7
root Root Graphics 1997-1997 5 21
roots 2008-2008 2 18
roy 1994-1994 4 1
rpm 1992-1992 1 4
ruah 1999-1999 1 12
ruckus 1997-1998 2 24
rune Rune Studios 1995-1996 5 34
s2p 1996-1996 2 10
sabotage 1995-1995 1 6
sac Superior Art Creations 1994-2009 45 71
sad Seeking Artistic Delight 1995-1995 1 6
sadist Sadist 1998-2007 6 59
sae Share And Enjoy 2000-2001 9 15
saga Saga Studios 1995-1997 5 83
samsara Samsara 1996-1996 4 43
sand 1996-1996 1 7
sap SLiVER Art Products 1994-1994 1 9
sargahd 1996-1997 3 51
sars SARS 2004-2004 3 11
satire 1998-1998 2 33
satwar 1998-1998 4 0
sau Swiss Artists United 1995-1995 1 3
sauna SAUNA 2019-2022 3 26
saz Soulz at Zero 1994-1996 20 9
scar Superior Coding / Ansi Revival 1994-1994 3 17
school 1997-1997 4 17
scrollz 1999-1999 3 25
scum 1997-1997 1 4
scum team 1997-1997 3 5