Fire Newsletter/Sitelist by Zoltar
Fire Newsletter/Sitelist by Zoltar
johanne, je taime..
come on baby light my fire
greets te ee fb cy tna sg bp hal qr ma joo
president: halaster *
senior staff: maxwell coding coord
--- prisoner1 covert operations *
betrayer covert operations
fractal ascii coord / covert operations *
the extremist ansi coord *
god among lice hi-resolution coord *
fade pyronet coord
founders: donut hole
---- vendetta
artists: anarchangel
-- aphelion *
bigge pif *
black viper *
blatz *
cytral skunk *
dragoon kain *
everlast *
fire stone
grimlock *
grind king *finally!
iodine *
lord cracker
nosegos *
numb *
panacea *
silver rat *
sinister x
splint *
winbee *
zoltar *
* work present in this pack.
* please contact halaster.
affil sites: the regency world hq
------ harvest moon us hq
cdi northern hq
sarcastic toaster canadian hq
apocalypse eastern hq
evil intentions western hq
daemons gate distro
the screaming tomato distro
high fidelity distro
whatever bbs ts wants distro
notes: fire did not except any new members last
--- month to sort out our current memberlist.
as of this point on, we extend an invitation
to any artist in the scene to apply. you can
submit work to either halaster or the coord
that applies to your type of art. i.e: if
you draw ascii, you could send work to either
halaster or fractal.
fire is not accepting any new affiliated
boards at the moment.