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Thiz iz thaz storyz0rz about tha damnfuckingugly monky Julius!
It started all one day
in tah past.. hmm, Julius
where thinkin :
its so boring oround here.
.. hmm, lez get some action!
An alert came out on the office.
paper came outa tha machine.
And it stood:
ALERT! : Julius is raping his
Oscar: OH SHIT!, Julius
is going mad! ive gotto get
over there!
/ -banana
Oscar ran down the
zoo. but oops.. there
it was an bananathingy.
and there.. Oscar: SHIT!
this bananathingy! arrrghh!
he where going to fast!
he fall down to tha
.. .. .. After a good while
he came out again.
.. badly hurt! he only had
one arm now. The right arm
where gone .. ..
he went on! with that same
speed.. the next stop
was the crocodilecage!
/ - Crocodilecage!
uhoh! he went in such a speed
that he fell in!
Oscar: wooopsii!
-still oscar
/ - Crocodilecage!
Oscar: Shit! there goes my other
arm to!
- Monkycage
he came to the cage.
but then Julius also had
raped his mother!
so Oscar went on in.. ..
Oscar:Julius, where are you?
oops! there he was punchin down Oscar
to tha ground! and took down hiz pants
and fuckt hiz ass up pretty good!
This scene is sensurated because of
norwegian laws!
Oscars ass
- Sperm from Julius!
this story where thinked put byh gumadrg and drawn byh gumadrg..
It started all one day
in tah past.. hmm, Julius
where thinkin :
its so boring oround here.
.. hmm, lez get some action!
An alert came out on the office.
paper came outa tha machine.
And it stood:
ALERT! : Julius is raping his
Oscar: OH SHIT!, Julius
is going mad! ive gotto get
over there!
/ -banana
Oscar ran down the
zoo. but oops.. there
it was an bananathingy.
and there.. Oscar: SHIT!
this bananathingy! arrrghh!
he where going to fast!
he fall down to tha
.. .. .. After a good while
he came out again.
.. badly hurt! he only had
one arm now. The right arm
where gone .. ..
he went on! with that same
speed.. the next stop
was the crocodilecage!
/ - Crocodilecage!
uhoh! he went in such a speed
that he fell in!
Oscar: wooopsii!
-still oscar
/ - Crocodilecage!
Oscar: Shit! there goes my other
arm to!
- Monkycage
he came to the cage.
but then Julius also had
raped his mother!
so Oscar went on in.. ..
Oscar:Julius, where are you?
oops! there he was punchin down Oscar
to tha ground! and took down hiz pants
and fuckt hiz ass up pretty good!
This scene is sensurated because of
norwegian laws!
Oscars ass
- Sperm from Julius!
this story where thinked put byh gumadrg and drawn byh gumadrg..
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