
first/last release: 1995/06 - 1995/10
years active: 1995 (7)
(sub)packs released: 7
smallest/largest pack: wo-1line/toon1095
lifetime artworks: 161
lifetime lines: 7 241

average # of lines per artwork: 57
average # of artworks per pack: 23
longest serving member(s): wat0r (1995/06-1995/10)
most productive member: wat0r (67)
extensions: LGO (22), DIZ (1), NFO (12), PCX (3), ANS (61), GIF (4), ZIP (5), ASC (27), JPG (1), EXE (6), RIP (2), FAQ (1), 1ST (1), 1 (1), 2 (1), 3 (1), 4 (1), NOW (1)


notable artists

alpha king

notable art

most productive

wat0r (67)
tribe (16)
narcosis (12)
toon (8)
holocaust (8)
shamanize (8)
calamity (7)
coma toazt (6)
xeryrus (5)
nuclear postman (4)


Jun 1995 - wo-1line

entries: 3
contributors: wat0r

Jun 1995 - wo-lastc

entries: 6
contributors: wat0r

Jun 1995 - wo-toon

entries: 11
contributors: wat0r