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KooL from UNiON ANSi Productions
Pic taken from Maxx issue 1
To my homeys:
Alpher - Bout time ya got back from Pinas bitch! Wheres those comix man?
Sole Assassin - Pay me bitch! And come over soon so we can roll and 120mph?
Lord Jazz - Lady Jazz is the best fool! You gotta make her for me sometime?
Beastie - I am gonna kill you fool if you dont start replying to my mail!
Absolute Zero - That faggot had to go! haha Wasnt it fun tho? Lets code..
Somms - Are you sure your hair aint red? And how bout your 1ft beard??
Mr. Sinister - Lets make Pagan renegade branch some sweet doors eh?
Nailz - Steal a bike, ride it, ghost it... Did you friend leave yet?
Neurotic - Ill give you a beaver pelt if you tell me where to poll UNinet?
Hound - Hows the ANSi? You should reconize this trick ass bitch?
T2 - I wouldve won if you didnt take your time bitch, Hows my lil maxx?
UNiON Artists, ACiD Artists, Bitches everywheres, We dont love them hoes..
If you want a ANSi:
Call my board and I will consider it.. You might wanna come ready with a
trade, money, or some affils to give me tho.. EXILED RACE 714.527.0327.
KooL of UNiON Productions 94
H O L O C A U S T ! 604 . 271 . 5432 I M P E R I A L W H Q
ANSi by KooL of the fabulous UNiON
KooL from UNiON ANSi Productions
Pic taken from Maxx issue 1
To my homeys:
Alpher - Bout time ya got back from Pinas bitch! Wheres those comix man?
Sole Assassin - Pay me bitch! And come over soon so we can roll and 120mph?
Lord Jazz - Lady Jazz is the best fool! You gotta make her for me sometime?
Beastie - I am gonna kill you fool if you dont start replying to my mail!
Absolute Zero - That faggot had to go! haha Wasnt it fun tho? Lets code..
Somms - Are you sure your hair aint red? And how bout your 1ft beard??
Mr. Sinister - Lets make Pagan renegade branch some sweet doors eh?
Nailz - Steal a bike, ride it, ghost it... Did you friend leave yet?
Neurotic - Ill give you a beaver pelt if you tell me where to poll UNinet?
Hound - Hows the ANSi? You should reconize this trick ass bitch?
T2 - I wouldve won if you didnt take your time bitch, Hows my lil maxx?
UNiON Artists, ACiD Artists, Bitches everywheres, We dont love them hoes..
If you want a ANSi:
Call my board and I will consider it.. You might wanna come ready with a
trade, money, or some affils to give me tho.. EXILED RACE 714.527.0327.
KooL of UNiON Productions 94
H O L O C A U S T ! 604 . 271 . 5432 I M P E R I A L W H Q
ANSi by KooL of the fabulous UNiON
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