this image contains text
numb is looking for artists! if youre interested in joining this innovative
new group, then contact peak velocity or 28 on prime, federation or unionnets, or on our WHQ, jello insanity at 7O8 42O O587. all you need is artistic
skill, a pencil, and some paper.portfolios will be released monthly, containing hand drawn scanned artwork
by people from the bbs community. on many of these ads, text containing board
plugs will be attached. to get your board a genuine NUMB advertisment, use
our request generator, or contact any numb member.
numb is looking for artists! if youre interested in joining this innovative
new group, then contact peak velocity or 28 on prime, federation or unionnets, or on our WHQ, jello insanity at 7O8 42O O587. all you need is artistic
skill, a pencil, and some paper.portfolios will be released monthly, containing hand drawn scanned artwork
by people from the bbs community. on many of these ads, text containing board
plugs will be attached. to get your board a genuine NUMB advertisment, use
our request generator, or contact any numb member.
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