this image contains text
welcome to my newschool ascii part of the pack. some of these askees are, once
again, quite old, but i selected the ones i liked at the time they were done.
-- indulge music diz for neophyte ------------------------------------
i know, this is not newschool :
-- color resurrection for gloom ------------------------------------
,gSS@s, .dP4P
, : .,g@P4SS@s, l
l l,sP4S@s ll Ss l ,
Ss :: ::l s l::: : S, ll s ll: :l S , , , 4l : , l SSs, , ss@, ,: l ,Sll, :,SS , : lSggg@P : :: : ,:l :, : :P4 P l : ,sSS@s.: l l , , jb l l: ::, l ,, 4ggP, 4 l., SS.,s,S
r e s u r r e c t i 0 n .
-- indulge music infofile header for neophyte ------------------------
SS ,sSSs, ,sS ,sS ,sSSs, m
xxS i
-- -SxxjB-Sxx--Sxx-SxxxxS-c
indulge music. blablablah.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- jB --
-- color sayid for sayid -------------------------------------------
-jbs!-- s,. ,s : -- -+-- S@, , gSS S,g ,S, :
-- -- --Sbgggg Ss,. SS i- -0- - S,. ,
,s P,sSs,
ssg ,
I ,sSSs, i 2, ,sSSS,S
SssSs,s i Ss, ,S
-- mirage for biochemist ---------------------------------------------
,sPSSSs,.,. sSSs .,,. .,, . ,gSPSs, .,sSPSs, . .. ..,,. .,.
, SS,sSPSs,S S,S ,, ,sPSs,:
Ss, S SS ,, , ,s@S
SP jAb ,s, S+4SS sS,
?SS s,sS:
. infot tss tekis eetvarttia. .
-- color phase one for energizer -----------------------------------
,sP4Xs, P4Ss, ,sSP4S. ,SP4Ss, ,sSP4Ss,
.- -- -- S - SSssss, - i S- -.
: , : ,sSP4 Ss, , . ,sS
i . . 1 , S,s :
4 . bs4S 1
s4S Sbs4S Ss4S SssssS
p h a s e
S S o
, n i
i :S ss
.i s
--------------- -- -------- ------------- -6------------ j4b -
-- protean for gloom -------------------------------------------------
,-----++---------+---+-jab-. i
i i i . :
P4S,,SP4,SP4S,,S : ,SP4S,,SP4S,P4S,
: ,s ,SP4
I : 1
-- color week top for energizer ------------------------------------
.,s. Ss.P,sp,g ,g ,gS , jab.s S , ,, ,g4,,gP4, ,, ,sS, S,g .,g, ,g
,, , ,s. ,, ,gS ,
g,Ss,sSSs,S , ,, ,g s,Ss@SSSSs,Ss,SS, , , ,g,.SsxSSS ,s. ,Ss, ,Ss,s+,+. ,sSs,,,,gSs,SSs,sSSS@SS,,sSSSSSS : user location etc ii : :: ii --- ----- - - ----- -- - - - --- - - - -
-- color madness for detroit ---------------------------------------
, ,SP4s,P P 4 :: 4S, SS, , , : : ll ,sSPl s@SP4 : info. l :, l : ll l :, : :l :l ll : P ,,,S.Sg,. Sb,. : ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,dSSP 4S + .,. .,. P4 ,S4S@s, ,s@SP4S, ,SPS ,SPS
jAb b,. l: :l : l: Sb+-SS, Sb+-4S@s,
b,.,d :l l l :l S@s, ll Ss, :l
P4P s,.,dS :l l
lS :l ,Ss,.,sS ,SS , Sbs, , .s,S: P .,sb,. 4S,. ., 4
again, quite old, but i selected the ones i liked at the time they were done.
-- indulge music diz for neophyte ------------------------------------
i know, this is not newschool :
-- color resurrection for gloom ------------------------------------
,gSS@s, .dP4P
, : .,g@P4SS@s, l
l l,sP4S@s ll Ss l ,
Ss :: ::l s l::: : S, ll s ll: :l S , , , 4l : , l SSs, , ss@, ,: l ,Sll, :,SS , : lSggg@P : :: : ,:l :, : :P4 P l : ,sSS@s.: l l , , jb l l: ::, l ,, 4ggP, 4 l., SS.,s,S
r e s u r r e c t i 0 n .
-- indulge music infofile header for neophyte ------------------------
SS ,sSSs, ,sS ,sS ,sSSs, m
xxS i
-- -SxxjB-Sxx--Sxx-SxxxxS-c
indulge music. blablablah.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- jB --
-- color sayid for sayid -------------------------------------------
-jbs!-- s,. ,s : -- -+-- S@, , gSS S,g ,S, :
-- -- --Sbgggg Ss,. SS i- -0- - S,. ,
,s P,sSs,
ssg ,
I ,sSSs, i 2, ,sSSS,S
SssSs,s i Ss, ,S
-- mirage for biochemist ---------------------------------------------
,sPSSSs,.,. sSSs .,,. .,, . ,gSPSs, .,sSPSs, . .. ..,,. .,.
, SS,sSPSs,S S,S ,, ,sPSs,:
Ss, S SS ,, , ,s@S
SP jAb ,s, S+4SS sS,
?SS s,sS:
. infot tss tekis eetvarttia. .
-- color phase one for energizer -----------------------------------
,sP4Xs, P4Ss, ,sSP4S. ,SP4Ss, ,sSP4Ss,
.- -- -- S - SSssss, - i S- -.
: , : ,sSP4 Ss, , . ,sS
i . . 1 , S,s :
4 . bs4S 1
s4S Sbs4S Ss4S SssssS
p h a s e
S S o
, n i
i :S ss
.i s
--------------- -- -------- ------------- -6------------ j4b -
-- protean for gloom -------------------------------------------------
,-----++---------+---+-jab-. i
i i i . :
P4S,,SP4,SP4S,,S : ,SP4S,,SP4S,P4S,
: ,s ,SP4
I : 1
-- color week top for energizer ------------------------------------
.,s. Ss.P,sp,g ,g ,gS , jab.s S , ,, ,g4,,gP4, ,, ,sS, S,g .,g, ,g
,, , ,s. ,, ,gS ,
g,Ss,sSSs,S , ,, ,g s,Ss@SSSSs,Ss,SS, , , ,g,.SsxSSS ,s. ,Ss, ,Ss,s+,+. ,sSs,,,,gSs,SSs,sSSS@SS,,sSSSSSS : user location etc ii : :: ii --- ----- - - ----- -- - - - --- - - - -
-- color madness for detroit ---------------------------------------
, ,SP4s,P P 4 :: 4S, SS, , , : : ll ,sSPl s@SP4 : info. l :, l : ll l :, : :l :l ll : P ,,,S.Sg,. Sb,. : ,,,,,,,,,,,,.,dSSP 4S + .,. .,. P4 ,S4S@s, ,s@SP4S, ,SPS ,SPS
jAb b,. l: :l : l: Sb+-SS, Sb+-4S@s,
b,.,d :l l l :l S@s, ll Ss, :l
P4P s,.,dS :l l
lS :l ,Ss,.,sS ,SS , Sbs, , .s,S: P .,sb,. 4S,. ., 4
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