this image contains text
ive tried to do some oldschool ascii in the past few months, mainly
for malkav / sayids board jam stash. yeah, my style is not perfect, but
so what. you may freely erase this file off your hd if you dont like it.
login for hube ------------------------------------------------------------
h a C i e N d e l b a N a n A s
.-- / / / l / ---.
l l / l/
------------------------------------------------------------------- jb -
jam stash for malkav ------------------------------------------------------
/ / / jB
/ / l/ l/ /
jAm staSh 931-3180xxx s0p malKav viGilia wHq arT dem0s oCcult
l / / / /
l / l / l /
l / /l /
bulletins for malkav ------------------------------------------------------
. / . .: /. /jb/ .
: 1. 2. ..:
:.. 3. 4. :
: 5. 6. :
conferences for malkav ----------------------------------------------------
-------- j a m - s t a s h -------
// / / / jb
l l l/ /
--/l /l l--
o1 brain board etc.
files for malkav ----------------------------------------------------------
-------- j a m - s t a s h -------
/l/ // /
/ / l l
l / l jb/ /
o1 acid etc
history for malkav --------------------------------------------------------
: :.....: l/ / / // ..: :
- : --. --- / ---- l --------- :.. -
.: .. / l / l / / ..:
:..: l l /
------------ / - / ------jb----
info for malkav -----------------------------------------------------------
.--- / / l / / jb/---.
.../ l/ / l .....
rules for malkav ----------------------------------------------------------
/ / / / jb
l/ l l /
malkav for malkav ---------------------------------------------------------
/ / / / / / /jB
-:- t E X T i E N p A i K K a o N P i t A E M A E . -:-
protean diz ---------------------------------------------------------------
. - // / // /-//jB-.
.- pr0tean relea5e --- 31.12.96 -.
for malkav / sayids board jam stash. yeah, my style is not perfect, but
so what. you may freely erase this file off your hd if you dont like it.
login for hube ------------------------------------------------------------
h a C i e N d e l b a N a n A s
.-- / / / l / ---.
l l / l/
------------------------------------------------------------------- jb -
jam stash for malkav ------------------------------------------------------
/ / / jB
/ / l/ l/ /
jAm staSh 931-3180xxx s0p malKav viGilia wHq arT dem0s oCcult
l / / / /
l / l / l /
l / /l /
bulletins for malkav ------------------------------------------------------
. / . .: /. /jb/ .
: 1. 2. ..:
:.. 3. 4. :
: 5. 6. :
conferences for malkav ----------------------------------------------------
-------- j a m - s t a s h -------
// / / / jb
l l l/ /
--/l /l l--
o1 brain board etc.
files for malkav ----------------------------------------------------------
-------- j a m - s t a s h -------
/l/ // /
/ / l l
l / l jb/ /
o1 acid etc
history for malkav --------------------------------------------------------
: :.....: l/ / / // ..: :
- : --. --- / ---- l --------- :.. -
.: .. / l / l / / ..:
:..: l l /
------------ / - / ------jb----
info for malkav -----------------------------------------------------------
.--- / / l / / jb/---.
.../ l/ / l .....
rules for malkav ----------------------------------------------------------
/ / / / jb
l/ l l /
malkav for malkav ---------------------------------------------------------
/ / / / / / /jB
-:- t E X T i E N p A i K K a o N P i t A E M A E . -:-
protean diz ---------------------------------------------------------------
. - // / // /-//jB-.
.- pr0tean relea5e --- 31.12.96 -.
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