1911: : : : : : FRX
:MAGNETIC FIELDS: Hoopys topsite scripts v3.00
Rank Courier Team Files Upload Size Percent
01. lamer1 iND 4 11466 kb 51.7
02. hoopy BLAH 4 10696 kb 48.3
Rank Team Best courier Files Upload Size Percent
01. iND lamer1 4 11466 kb 51.7
02. BLAH hoopy 4 10696 kb 48.3
02 racers / 02 groups 8 files 22162 kb 100.0
MF EfNet mfields key: yourkeyhere MF
Ferrex/SACRAZOR1911 :
1911: : : : FRX
:MAGNETiC FiELDS: Hoopys flopsite scripts v3.00
You have uploaded lalala3.zip checking ZIP file integrity now
Uploaded file was OK - credits given. Processing ZIP file now..
The Filename included *porn* Credits doubled ! wANK uNF thanks ! .
Added propaganda material :- Now processing race status...
You uploaded the first of 08 discs, good luck for the rest! :-
Rank Name Group Files Kilobytes Avr. Speed Top-Speed
01. hoopy BLAH 01 2853 951 kb/s 951 kb/s
Rank Team Files Kilobytes Avr. Speed Top-Courier
01. BLAH 01 2853 951 kb/s hoopy
01 racers from 1 groups 2853 kb Duration: 00m 03s
01 of 08 files uploaded 07 files left
Ferrex/SACRAZOR1911 :