The 219 Boy is here once a
gain representin only
only the strait funk. This
one is of course 100
original to the BONE! RiG
OR in 95, dont foget!
-//-----------//---------- A
nsi Copyright C R
iGOR Productions 1995 b
y The Devils Pawn.
Bone Comic Character i
s Copyright C Jeff S
mith 1995.
to: Harbinger Of Death, Funk
y Buckles, Vapor, The Green Trenchcoat,
Dark Leader, Illender, Da Gamer, Exodus, The Re
aper, The Warlord,
Pennywise, Albino Porch Monkey, Superman, Xenix
, Sportz,
Skippers Son, and of course my Spoon.....
FuckOffBitch: Beavis, The
Meat, The Shamu, Stealthwhatever your handle is now
Devious Fox, Scott Ian, Mercy, Misfit, and the
lameness of 95....