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My sanity escapes me
...My sanity escap
ing me,Peronality raping
me.Mind running away wi
th me,Turning self again
st me.My sanity escaping
me,Leaving vast impurit
y.Butchering morality,
Mind is running away from
me.My sanity escaping m
e,My goals in life I ca
nnot see.Torturing real
ity,Is driving out the
worst in me.My sanity esca
ping me,Blinding my ob
scurity.Thrusting blad
es of vanity,Drain me o
f vitality.My sanity es
caping me,Nightmare bec
omes reality.My past is
catching up with me,False tru
st will be the death of me.
...My sanity escap
ing me,Peronality raping
me.Mind running away wi
th me,Turning self again
st me.My sanity escaping
me,Leaving vast impurit
y.Butchering morality,
Mind is running away from
me.My sanity escaping m
e,My goals in life I ca
nnot see.Torturing real
ity,Is driving out the
worst in me.My sanity esca
ping me,Blinding my ob
scurity.Thrusting blad
es of vanity,Drain me o
f vitality.My sanity es
caping me,Nightmare bec
omes reality.My past is
catching up with me,False tru
st will be the death of me.
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