August 1995 Member Listing by Moist
August 1995 Member Listing by Moist
m o i s t a u g u s t 1 9 9 5 m e m b a l i s t
founders ... ... abbreviations: ... position
civid ............................. ci ..........lit ansi ascii cou
maximum velocity .................. mv ..........lit ansi ascii cou
handle ... ... abbreviations: ... position
acidburn ...........................ab.....cod lit ansi ascii cou
black knight .......................bk.....cod lit ansi ascii cou
dark force .........................df.....cod lit ansi ascii cou
hellstorm ..........................hs.....cod lit ansi ascii cou
hilby ..............................hi.....cod lit ansi ascii cou
kingsaver ..........................ks.....cod lit ansi ascii cou
lord xane ..........................lx.....cod lit ansi ascii cou
phantax lit ansi ascii cou
pinhead.............................pi.....cod lit ansi ascii cou
speed ..............................sp.....cod lit ansi ascii cou
weble ..............................we.....cod lit ansi ascii cou
positions: Position filled... Position unfilled...
abbreviations: New moist member... mOist member...
sites: we are looking for new distros! apply!
Board name... number... ...position
death domain ............. 2o9 526.584o ..... whq ...... maximum velocity
hershy ................... 3o3 499.i984 ..... chq ............... phantax
prophecy ................. 5i4 582.2i48 ..... nhq ....... the night angel
city iz burning .......... 4i8 84i.34io ..... canada .......... extremist
genOtia .................. 2o9 543.9793 ..... member ........ blackknight
jaby ..................... 2o9 522.9728 ..... member .............. weble
angry beaver ............. its pri.vate ..... member .............. civid
kyrptic anathema ......... its pri.vate ..... member ............ pinhead
acidopium ................ 6i6 887.533o ..... distro ........ i forgot!
this space for rent ...... xxx xxx.xxxx...... distro ....................
mOist member list by: maximum velocity of mOist?!