this image contains text
the sanest days are mad...
apox logo colly 04 ice 1
logo by apox with a little inspiration and ideas from splat
t, the logo chimp
- - if you ever join ice, il
l let you use this for a header
im such a nice guy
this is an old logo i re-worked. its leet
- -hmm this is a really really small
colly for me this month.. 50 lines total..
anyway, im starting school so ill draw more to avoid doing h
omework look for
my fonts on some killer ansis in the pack this month lems
horse and a cu pic
cuz if it were not for those fonts, thered be more in this c
olly.. so uh go
view them and make me feel better about shortchanging everbo
greets ali, paul, nick, cu, massm, and b
apox logo colly 04 ice 1
logo by apox with a little inspiration and ideas from splat
t, the logo chimp
- - if you ever join ice, il
l let you use this for a header
im such a nice guy
this is an old logo i re-worked. its leet
- -hmm this is a really really small
colly for me this month.. 50 lines total..
anyway, im starting school so ill draw more to avoid doing h
omework look for
my fonts on some killer ansis in the pack this month lems
horse and a cu pic
cuz if it were not for those fonts, thered be more in this c
olly.. so uh go
view them and make me feel better about shortchanging everbo
greets ali, paul, nick, cu, massm, and b
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