this image contains text
Happy April everyone! I decided to poke around my hard drive and dig up some oldansis of mine. I got a modem in 1988, but i didnt get TheDraw until early 1991.I didnt have a handle until the end of that year, so thats why the first few
are unsigned. The first two ansis blink, so make sure your viewer is set to
display blinking text instead of high-intensity backgrounds. Anyway, you can
trace my progress from mid-1991 to late 1992, when i stopped doing ansi. Around
December 1993, i got back into the scene as a coder for a warez group called LSDand by summer 94 i helped resurrect UAA this was the second time UAA was
brought back to life. UAA merged into MAG before i could release anything, and
MAG died before i got a chance to release anything. NATiON grabbed most of the
members of MAG, including myself, just after school had started. Unfortunately,
NATiON didnt release a pack that month and died the next month, so yet again i
didnt get to release anything.. I worked independantly until i delivered my iCEapp in December 1994, and got accepted the next month. Anyway, heres my roots:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------06/10/91 - SearchLight BBS allows an ansi to be displayed when you switch
message bases. This was the one that was displayed when you went to the Video
Games message base. This was for my friend in real life Zirkoids board,
first called Planet X, later renamed to Doorway to Doom, or Doorway to Death,
depending on what mood we were in.
Video Games Sub-Board
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------09/07/91 - This was the sub-board picture for the Art Gallery, obviously.
o /
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------01/31/92 - I made a few other ansis between september and january, but theyre
lost forever. I got a lot better, and joined the first group id ever heard of,
Upcoming Ansi Artists. I think this was the first ansi i did for them. Hmm, i
probably should have used color 8 on the pencil lead.. Oh well.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------02/04/92 - This was the logoff screen for DTD. Check out that reaper :
Call back... or else
your sleep will be
eternally disturbed!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------02/09/92 - A joint ansi : Me and Zirk did this one over at his house one day..
Dwy DM
Running Searchlight 1.77EMS Celerity February 14 HUGE Message Base Cool
Staff Registered versions of ThePit 2.0 and TradeWars 2002! 1 Day Validation
NO ul/dl ratios LIs LARGEST ANSi Collection Call or go to HELL 516-364-5574
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------02/29/92 - You might notice that none of the remaining ansis say UAA.. I was
kicked out of the group by Quasar. Like most assholes, he went on to join ACiD.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------03/01/92 - Isnt this shadow stuff cool? I started working on the font at the
bottom but got sick of drawing before i got to the word BBS.
Because you never know whats lurking behind you...
516 364-0814
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------03/10/92 - I was playing around with shading blocks for this one.. And no, i
wasnt depressed, i was just trying to be artistic.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------09/05/92 - This ones simple but i think the effect looks neat.
are unsigned. The first two ansis blink, so make sure your viewer is set to
display blinking text instead of high-intensity backgrounds. Anyway, you can
trace my progress from mid-1991 to late 1992, when i stopped doing ansi. Around
December 1993, i got back into the scene as a coder for a warez group called LSDand by summer 94 i helped resurrect UAA this was the second time UAA was
brought back to life. UAA merged into MAG before i could release anything, and
MAG died before i got a chance to release anything. NATiON grabbed most of the
members of MAG, including myself, just after school had started. Unfortunately,
NATiON didnt release a pack that month and died the next month, so yet again i
didnt get to release anything.. I worked independantly until i delivered my iCEapp in December 1994, and got accepted the next month. Anyway, heres my roots:
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------06/10/91 - SearchLight BBS allows an ansi to be displayed when you switch
message bases. This was the one that was displayed when you went to the Video
Games message base. This was for my friend in real life Zirkoids board,
first called Planet X, later renamed to Doorway to Doom, or Doorway to Death,
depending on what mood we were in.
Video Games Sub-Board
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------09/07/91 - This was the sub-board picture for the Art Gallery, obviously.
o /
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------01/31/92 - I made a few other ansis between september and january, but theyre
lost forever. I got a lot better, and joined the first group id ever heard of,
Upcoming Ansi Artists. I think this was the first ansi i did for them. Hmm, i
probably should have used color 8 on the pencil lead.. Oh well.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------02/04/92 - This was the logoff screen for DTD. Check out that reaper :
Call back... or else
your sleep will be
eternally disturbed!
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------02/09/92 - A joint ansi : Me and Zirk did this one over at his house one day..
Dwy DM
Running Searchlight 1.77EMS Celerity February 14 HUGE Message Base Cool
Staff Registered versions of ThePit 2.0 and TradeWars 2002! 1 Day Validation
NO ul/dl ratios LIs LARGEST ANSi Collection Call or go to HELL 516-364-5574
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------02/29/92 - You might notice that none of the remaining ansis say UAA.. I was
kicked out of the group by Quasar. Like most assholes, he went on to join ACiD.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------03/01/92 - Isnt this shadow stuff cool? I started working on the font at the
bottom but got sick of drawing before i got to the word BBS.
Because you never know whats lurking behind you...
516 364-0814
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------03/10/92 - I was playing around with shading blocks for this one.. And no, i
wasnt depressed, i was just trying to be artistic.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------09/05/92 - This ones simple but i think the effect looks neat.
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