sq2's deep umbra by isosceles
sq2's deep umbra by isosceles
a nocolour ansi by isosceles
.triangle of ice.
100 origional phont.. heh.. uh
hah..yeah.. i thought youd find that funny.
hah --- the deep umbra
... the deep
umbra : its a l
ittle stripe of colour to my otherwise bw ansi ...
la sop cest squidgalator deux
, annihilannic, smash! whq, ice member board
tszi c/o isosceles ice - its g
ot some french cuz sq2 told me not to put any.
sq2 ah oui... voulez vouz fairez une ansi pour ma bbs
, La Deep Umbra...
sq2 thats The Deep Umbra actually :0