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iCE - - iCEiCE
- Whats New in iCE Recently. - iCE
iCE - - iCE 1.
Biggest change in iCE recently is the newest Senior Staffer: Raistlin
2. Our long time Canadian HQ: Alters of Madness, is unfort
unatly down. A new CHQ will be decided on sometime in January.
3. ANSi-wise we have some farmiliar faces joining the grou
p and becoming reactive. First is R.Noble who has joined iCE
after the disbanding of
Mirage Playing Taps. Second is Tank, and ex-ACiD member, quite a
vetern of the scene. Third is Riothamusm, who released a fuckin cool
ansi after a loooooong period of absence, hope to see more from you guy
: Lastly is Napalm who suprisingly has come back to release a few
but due to the fate of AoM I was not able to get his artwork for this
pack.. sorry guy.
4. Well lets see, iCE has been pretty stable this month.. only person t
leave being Isreafel from the lit division.. have fun in GOTHiC :
5. Big news for anyone who is a fan of the Demo scene, especially if you
a fan of the music in the demo scene. C.C.Catch of Renaissance is
now also a composer for iCE. Check out his first release under the
iCE name in this pack. Its called Spiritual Dance. For those of
you not familiar with the demo music scene. Heres the time to do so..
6. Look for the iCE Music Disk, HOPEFULLY out in Febuary 94.
7. Some new directors have been added to help organize the group, here t
are with a short introduction:
Sonoma: Helps with keeping in cotact with members
Trixter: VGA Director
Xerobe: iCN iNSANiTY Corperate Network Director
Bane: Courier Director
8. Last but not least, iCE Trial has now become SKiLL/iCE Trial. SKiLL/
Trial is not a section of iCE, but instead a fully functional group for
the Trial artists. The head is SKiLL/iCE Trial is Devils Spawn, and
the HQ BBS is South of Hell.
9. Some small new features in K-View.. first is that there is now a wrap
around selection that will make the 320x200 wrap around as all 640x480
viewers do. It is also MUCH faster. The other minor thing is that you
can now start up K-View with a switch such as *.ANS and K-View will
load with the extension .ANS being used. And as Isreafel said on CCi:
Heaven is defined by KV *.ANS :
10. Thats all I can think of, so enjoy the pack...
- Metal Head iCE Staff
Greets to: C.C.Catch - Welcome in man!
N. Shade - Thanks for the help
Xerobe - ditto
Bane - Oh my god.. Courier Director actually directing!
Force Ten - Getting a radio show? hahaha..
Amroth - You need that fuckin modem
Raistlin - Iridium 2 gonna kick ass..
Ford Pref. - When are you gonna finish the fucking intro!?!?!!?!
Kronos - That answering machine is *real* bad :
Sonoma - You da man, haha i didnt say s**t!
Lord Soth - Oh my golly..
R. Noble - finnaly!
Tank - welcome in.
R0NiN - no dont change your handle!
Red Alert - Wash DCs a bitch aint it? Watching someone get
blown away..
Criminal Justice - Arf-Arf!
C.Curve - uhhh whered you get that phone :
604 Guys - thanks for all the stuff.
All the iCE Guys - Thanks for the help.
- Whats New in iCE Recently. - iCE
iCE - - iCE 1.
Biggest change in iCE recently is the newest Senior Staffer: Raistlin
2. Our long time Canadian HQ: Alters of Madness, is unfort
unatly down. A new CHQ will be decided on sometime in January.
3. ANSi-wise we have some farmiliar faces joining the grou
p and becoming reactive. First is R.Noble who has joined iCE
after the disbanding of
Mirage Playing Taps. Second is Tank, and ex-ACiD member, quite a
vetern of the scene. Third is Riothamusm, who released a fuckin cool
ansi after a loooooong period of absence, hope to see more from you guy
: Lastly is Napalm who suprisingly has come back to release a few
but due to the fate of AoM I was not able to get his artwork for this
pack.. sorry guy.
4. Well lets see, iCE has been pretty stable this month.. only person t
leave being Isreafel from the lit division.. have fun in GOTHiC :
5. Big news for anyone who is a fan of the Demo scene, especially if you
a fan of the music in the demo scene. C.C.Catch of Renaissance is
now also a composer for iCE. Check out his first release under the
iCE name in this pack. Its called Spiritual Dance. For those of
you not familiar with the demo music scene. Heres the time to do so..
6. Look for the iCE Music Disk, HOPEFULLY out in Febuary 94.
7. Some new directors have been added to help organize the group, here t
are with a short introduction:
Sonoma: Helps with keeping in cotact with members
Trixter: VGA Director
Xerobe: iCN iNSANiTY Corperate Network Director
Bane: Courier Director
8. Last but not least, iCE Trial has now become SKiLL/iCE Trial. SKiLL/
Trial is not a section of iCE, but instead a fully functional group for
the Trial artists. The head is SKiLL/iCE Trial is Devils Spawn, and
the HQ BBS is South of Hell.
9. Some small new features in K-View.. first is that there is now a wrap
around selection that will make the 320x200 wrap around as all 640x480
viewers do. It is also MUCH faster. The other minor thing is that you
can now start up K-View with a switch such as *.ANS and K-View will
load with the extension .ANS being used. And as Isreafel said on CCi:
Heaven is defined by KV *.ANS :
10. Thats all I can think of, so enjoy the pack...
- Metal Head iCE Staff
Greets to: C.C.Catch - Welcome in man!
N. Shade - Thanks for the help
Xerobe - ditto
Bane - Oh my god.. Courier Director actually directing!
Force Ten - Getting a radio show? hahaha..
Amroth - You need that fuckin modem
Raistlin - Iridium 2 gonna kick ass..
Ford Pref. - When are you gonna finish the fucking intro!?!?!!?!
Kronos - That answering machine is *real* bad :
Sonoma - You da man, haha i didnt say s**t!
Lord Soth - Oh my golly..
R. Noble - finnaly!
Tank - welcome in.
R0NiN - no dont change your handle!
Red Alert - Wash DCs a bitch aint it? Watching someone get
blown away..
Criminal Justice - Arf-Arf!
C.Curve - uhhh whered you get that phone :
604 Guys - thanks for all the stuff.
All the iCE Guys - Thanks for the help.
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