01 Kalashnikov Assault Rifle by ironLung
02 We.. by ironLung
03 Future by ironLung
04 Symbios by Immortal
05 Take me... by Sprocket
06 Yard by YoYo and DiTi
07 Road by DiTi
08 Philosopher by YoYo
09 ..railroad 9 mm.. by YoYo
10 Archaic Contusion by Toof
11 Yage by DarkHalo
12 Cat by YoYo
13 Let Me Out song cover by Shere Khan
14 Joint Self Portrait by God among Lice and Remission
15 Tribute to Night Daemon by God among Lice
16 4th of September flower by Sprocket
17 7am flower by Sprocket
18 Japan leet flowers by Sprocket
19 Elbo Room by Atom
20 Pond by God among Lice
21 verdure 9 people by Sprocket