this image contains text
- Super alien sex Fiend - +o Quip - Mr.Wrong / Glue
- G l u e - Mr.Wrong / Glue
- Color T.V. - +o Mr.Wrong - Mr.Wrong / Glue
- Hi. I have not really something to say except that im really glad to be in
Glue. If you want something, mail me on Tjm because i dont have an internet
account. Thanks to thext, Mistigris and Glue.
- G l u e - Mr.Wrong / Glue
- Color T.V. - +o Mr.Wrong - Mr.Wrong / Glue
- Hi. I have not really something to say except that im really glad to be in
Glue. If you want something, mail me on Tjm because i dont have an internet
account. Thanks to thext, Mistigris and Glue.
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