Murder Mystery by Tincat / Quip
Murder Mystery by Tincat / Quip
holy bent
legs, batman!
mmm... legs
-------------------------- This picture has a rea
lly boring history, so Im going to recite it to you.
While Lazarus was alive, Tincat awesome former Mistigris ar
tist and I started
this joint as part of a murder mystery contest that we wer
e going to come up
with. We never did, so this ansi sat on my harddrive for mo
nths even months
after Tincat quit drawing ansi. Eventually, I handed it of
f to Happyfish
another former Mist artist who worked on it. More months
went by, and I
had nothing to work on, so I loaded it up. Surprise! - Happ
yfishs version
was messed up, and I couldnt fix it, soooo.. I took the pre
vious version and
finished it.
In other words - This pic by Quip and Tincat, but not Happyf
ps: In case youre an uninformed dork, Lazarus lived
from December 96 until
the Summer of 97, and was run by Hennifer and Gr
ind King. Thats how
old this ansi is.