Blender 2024C infofile by Cthulu, Warpus & Hen
Blender 2024C infofile by Cthulu, Warpus & Hen
t h e e r
le Blender officiel des Jeux Olympiques dt de Paris
Skrubly this feels so weird. My isp shut down its shell server where Id been
using the same irc client and custom script since 1996 and now Im
using some weird web based client
Cthmist time for a new ISP!
Skrubly did I miss the words?
or have we not started. I am bad with time
Cthmist we havent done diddly here yet
Skrubly hah
oh man Im early... first time since the 90s
Cthmist I was just going to go check the time, always have to do a little
we might all be late but you the least late of us all
Skrubly Im going to use that as an award at work. The Least Late
Cthmist yeah, this should be officially starting in 12 minutes
1 3 m i n u t e s l a t e r . . .
Cthmist OK OK OK hello, everyone. Greetings and salutations from the
Blender HQ.
Warpus is, I gather, refinishing his floor or some such today, so I
believe Im kicking this Blender off solo.
But thats fine, Im perfectly qualified to invite people to
privately send me submissions of words for the compo.
Again, we typically are looking for a combination of a SUBJECT, and
ACTION, and a LOCATION, eg. the HORSE / SWIMMING / at the WHITE HOUSE if youre lucky, one of those will be picked along with other
suggestions suggested by other people, to make up this Blenders
assigned topics
h o w c a n y o u k n o w t h a t ?
Cthmist Still stirring the word soup...
not too late to add new ingrediemts
Skrubly do we have words?
Cthmist We are very close to words
I should announce them in like 7 minutes
shuffle shuffle
allllmost there
just calibrating the location
all right, everyone
we have put the words through our paint shaking machine
all of the bubbles have emerged from the mixture
are you ready to receive your assignment?
well, too bad!
you had all the last hour to be not ready
nothing up my sleeve
and ... presto!
this blender is going to be about a NECROMANCER
which is to say, a wizard who primarily deals with forbidden magic
to commune with the dead
keeping it light, am I right?
what is the necromancer doing?
hes participating in the OLYMPIC TORCH RELAY
and where is the torch relay passing through?
in a great coincidence for this warlock, an ARCHAEOLOGICAL DIG SITE
were going to be very vague about where the dig site is, so if you
have a favorite ancient civilization youd like to depict as zombies
competing in Olympic events, weve got you covered!
warpus Nice words!
Cthmist the people have good instincts, they send good words
warpus I knew Cthulu wouldnt fuck this up
d i g r e s s i n g
warpus we also unfortunately cant help it but interrupt this pizza sausage
standards conversation, which we can return to later
Cthmist pizza standards, is that like PNSI?
8pz vs 9pz, the pepperoni has little more space between the slices
w e i g h i n g t h e s c o r e s
Cthmist ok friends!
this Blender is in the bag!
if you made an entry and didnt get it in, youre kind of too late
wed still be interested to see it, but
as it is we received two eligible entries, so we dont have a full
podium, but at least this way we wont end up with a five-way tie
like last time
warpus you know it is with the blender summer compo being held place at the
same time as the olympics, most blender entrants are busy throwing
discusses and riding horses on the seine
Cthmist anyway, if you cant have a ton of art at least all the art you get
submitted can be badass as hell
axb of Mist took the necromancer and ran with it
spinsane niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice
Cthmist I dont know what olympic event theyre competing in but I do not
want to be up against them
its great art but not the best possible use of the words, so we
give him one point
thanks axb, keeping it real!
warpus axbs entry was tight
like your mom
and/or aunt
Cthmist i thought warpus was saying that my mom was also my aunt and I was
trying to figure out how that would work
is she her own sister?
warpus thats a story for another blender
Cthmist well no but I suppose she could be my fathers sister
warpus will draw you a diagram with box characters in the infofile
maternal great grandpamat great granny
note: maternal and paternal great
grandparents NOT typically
paternal great grandpapat great connected directly on chart
these are both paternal
and maternal grandparents,
my grandfathermy grandmother wondering where on earth
did they go so wrong?
my fathermy tight motheralso my fathers sister
or uncle aka my aunt
if you will
me one mixed-up kid
Im not illiterate - my parents were married!@
... OK, we now return you to the regularly-scheduled infofile in progress:
warpus is it time to announce who made it to the top of the podium?
i think it is
Cthmist if not now, then when
spinsane 5am tomorrow
Cthmist no, that would be a worse time
warpus with the use of absolutely zero incest related material, in first
comes somebody who wowed us with his imaginative and very well
implemented concept for the three words, 2stoned of mistigris!
Cthmist the necromancer was no less badass
the torch was quite a bit more olympic
the dig, well, its paleontolgy and not archaeology, but axb didnt
have a dig at all
warpus The entry could use a bit more notocar, this is what the little guy
sitting on my left shoulder is saying, but I was impressed with the inCthmist and when you see 2stoneds skeletons doing olympic events you will
even the north korean judge scored them a six
warpus we did not bribe him btw
we hold ourselves to higher standards than the IOC
slightly higher
Cthmist its basically adorable and hilarious and great use of the words
spinsane so it was just the two entries? but both k-rad
Cthmist they were great words! I only regret that so many other artists
dropped out since yesterday
folks, you can still draw for these blender words after the compos
just release them in other artpacks
warpus i am actually writing a story for the blender pack as we speak
in an attempt to inspire those watching at home
to submit their own piece of art or interprative dance
Cthmist we probably fouled the broth by bumping the compo back a week
of course if we had done it on schedule we would have had different,
inferior words
as I like to tell my kids, if things were different, theyd be
warpus nahhh its summer, everybodys in paris fondling the smurfs
while being judged by a panel of international judges
two real entries and my super short story entry that cant make the
podium due to our integrity and such
Cthmist warpus, dont sweat it, darkforces integrity is the only one that
spinsane appreciate you guys doing it at all 3
Cthmist if this is all it takes to give artists an excuse to make awesome
art, happy to do it
n e x t u p
Cthmist uh, I think the next regularly scheduled Blendertime would be Oct
and so in conclusion
Well see you in October I guess, when things might get really spooky not this candy-assed necromancer bs
warpus i really hope i didnt make too many sexually charged jokes today
involving relatives and other family members.. but i hope everybody
had a grand time!
Cthmist warpus, its a delicate line
I think you made just enough sexually charged jokes
you dont want to make too few
spinsane ive honestly felt out of it all day and the sexual jokes just
confused me -: 3
morb the aristocrats
warpus im here to confuse, so pats myself on back
with my penis
Cthmist sorry, confuse with your penis or pat on back with your penis?
Im confused
so I guess either way, mission accomplished
All right, thanks again to our competing artists axb and 2stoned!
Stay tuned for the blender pack release and ... there should be at
least one more Blender in October, who knows maybe more?
Until then, stay cool and blend on!
I r e p e a t . . .
if there ever is another blender, it will most likely be held:
if not sooner!
saturday, october 19th - sunday, october 20th, 2024
2:00pm - 2:00pm est
blender on EFnet
please join us. - hennifer