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n e w s
b l e a c h , a u g u s t
1 9 9 5 a n e u r y s m i n f o f i l e
Ahh, once again we bring you the ref
reshing, and quite tastefull bleach aneurysm, and this mo
nth, unlike months of the past, we bring you the FOURTH
bleach aneurysm! Thats right, never before have we released a
fourth pack, which makes this one of course special! We
managed to hold up our reputation throughout the month,
and after the third release that reputation helped us pick u
p a handfull of new artists throughout the scene, as wel
l as bring in a few new ideas for the upcoming months!
On the the top of this months news is of course our gaining weight
. Each month we manage to continue pulling in new talent, a
nd on this months list of newcomers to the atmosphere are
Rancid, an excellent vga artist who was with me in p
revious projects of mine, as well as cancer, Mirthrandir
another great help to our ansi and ascii divisions, who joins us from
previous affiliation quad-p, Flood Myth, a name which as been
around for
quite awhile, and who originally helped form bleach, we are glad to
him back in the list! Chainsaw also joins, who was previousl
y in flare,
his arrival will be more than a great help to the success of bleach i
n the
months to come, Shattered Link joins up with us after his
former group
Shiver finally broke up, and his arrival to the group will definetly
be a
help to our production, he is both an amazing artist, as well as a c
And finally, Maximum Velocity joins as well, bringing
with him an
original style and quality that bleach needs to continue its success
! As
for additions to our courier division, we managed to pick up
and Dalamar from CiA, who will be helping in spreading the p
As for this months bad news, Sir Lancelot decided that he wo
uld not be
able to continue drawing for Bleach becuase of outside schedules, plu
the with the arrival of his new group Rune, could not make time, this
a great loss to the success of bleach, but respectivly, we wish him l
with his future group!
This month was a month full of new ideas, and the main focus for our
releases is forming an e-mag as a subdivision of bleach. Even though
thought is still being discussed, you can possibly look forward to s
this as an addition to the packs to come, hopefully we will be abl
e to
create a mag that is bleach based, but also holds alot of new ideas f
or the
scene! Coding the mag will be Shattered Link, a new addition to blea
this month, and we are looking forward to seeing the final project, t
name of the mag will be Tide, for obvious reasons!
Since bleach has been gaining alot of new attention in the scene, i
come to the desicion to once again raise the standards on applyin
g to
bleach, i want to be able to keep up a reputation, and quality in b
that keeps the current talent in the group, as well as attract new ar
From now on standards will be alot higher, and i will be looking for
quality, and effectivness in members applying, this means i will be c
down on ONLY ascii artists, and logo artists, and looking more for p
who will be able to release almost monthly pics. This is to help the
stay stable, and keep the talent we have now, content with the g
-lordjazz, bleach.
Once again i want to thank the members who stuck by the group, an
d who
continue to release! Its really helping, and i appriciate the effort
t h e e n d
b l e a c h , a u g u s t
1 9 9 5 a n e u r y s m i n f o f i l e
Ahh, once again we bring you the ref
reshing, and quite tastefull bleach aneurysm, and this mo
nth, unlike months of the past, we bring you the FOURTH
bleach aneurysm! Thats right, never before have we released a
fourth pack, which makes this one of course special! We
managed to hold up our reputation throughout the month,
and after the third release that reputation helped us pick u
p a handfull of new artists throughout the scene, as wel
l as bring in a few new ideas for the upcoming months!
On the the top of this months news is of course our gaining weight
. Each month we manage to continue pulling in new talent, a
nd on this months list of newcomers to the atmosphere are
Rancid, an excellent vga artist who was with me in p
revious projects of mine, as well as cancer, Mirthrandir
another great help to our ansi and ascii divisions, who joins us from
previous affiliation quad-p, Flood Myth, a name which as been
around for
quite awhile, and who originally helped form bleach, we are glad to
him back in the list! Chainsaw also joins, who was previousl
y in flare,
his arrival will be more than a great help to the success of bleach i
n the
months to come, Shattered Link joins up with us after his
former group
Shiver finally broke up, and his arrival to the group will definetly
be a
help to our production, he is both an amazing artist, as well as a c
And finally, Maximum Velocity joins as well, bringing
with him an
original style and quality that bleach needs to continue its success
! As
for additions to our courier division, we managed to pick up
and Dalamar from CiA, who will be helping in spreading the p
As for this months bad news, Sir Lancelot decided that he wo
uld not be
able to continue drawing for Bleach becuase of outside schedules, plu
the with the arrival of his new group Rune, could not make time, this
a great loss to the success of bleach, but respectivly, we wish him l
with his future group!
This month was a month full of new ideas, and the main focus for our
releases is forming an e-mag as a subdivision of bleach. Even though
thought is still being discussed, you can possibly look forward to s
this as an addition to the packs to come, hopefully we will be abl
e to
create a mag that is bleach based, but also holds alot of new ideas f
or the
scene! Coding the mag will be Shattered Link, a new addition to blea
this month, and we are looking forward to seeing the final project, t
name of the mag will be Tide, for obvious reasons!
Since bleach has been gaining alot of new attention in the scene, i
come to the desicion to once again raise the standards on applyin
g to
bleach, i want to be able to keep up a reputation, and quality in b
that keeps the current talent in the group, as well as attract new ar
From now on standards will be alot higher, and i will be looking for
quality, and effectivness in members applying, this means i will be c
down on ONLY ascii artists, and logo artists, and looking more for p
who will be able to release almost monthly pics. This is to help the
stay stable, and keep the talent we have now, content with the g
-lordjazz, bleach.
Once again i want to thank the members who stuck by the group, an
d who
continue to release! Its really helping, and i appriciate the effort
t h e e n d
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