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SysOp:Photon MMessagesBases. FFilesSystem. PPersonnalData. JJoinConference. .On-LineProgs. BBBSList. TT-Philes. TimeBank. XXpertToggle. LLogofCallers. IInfoonBBS. YYourinfo. CChatSysOp. QQvDoor. OChatStatus. NNotetoSysOp. GGoodbye. PhotonsSpaceShipis Goingtonewlocations Intheuniverse... Andisdiscoveringthat Telagard*CAN*be Configured!:- CoSysOps: The ExtremisT, Skyzofren, The Naughty Tycoon, DargothCAN CAN* ** * ANSi drawn by ExtremisT on 28ol94You need ANSIs? Requests to ASTEK on TCC/2
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