Skynet by Maestro
Skynet by Maestro
Maestro Terminator2: Wake up!! :
RaDMaN: Is your daughter recovering ok? :
Shihear Kallizad: Thanks a
Jocko: Fellow FART member:
Spirit Of Illusion: Keep
in touch guy!
Skynet - 704 242 4671
Sportn Visio
n/2 With A Taste Of A USR 16.8DS
ACiD Member
Board Addict Site Reflections Site
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ber Board
SysOps: Terminator2 Corwin Of
Shortie But Goodie: Maestro ACi
This has been a FART Freehand Art production: If you would
to purchase an ANSi from myself I can be contacted on any major
network. Notice I said Purchase. Dont expect a screen unless you
are willing to shell some green. This goes for everyone accept cool
people like T2 that help me out in some way. Uhh.. Hello? Nuff said.