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Im so happy because today Ive found my friends. Theyre in my head. Im so ugly but thats okay because so are you. Broke our mirrors. Sunday morning is everyday for all I care. And Im not scared. Light my candles in a daze because Ivefound God. Yeaaaaahhhhh. Im so lonely. Thats okay, Ive shaved my head. And Im not sad, and maybe Im to blame for all Ive heard. But Im not sure. Im so excited, I cant wait to meet you there. But I dont care. Im so horny, thats okay, my will is good. Yeaaaaahhhhh. I like it, Im not gonna crack . I miss you,Im not gonna crack. I love you Im not gonna crack. Ill kill you Im not gonnacrack. Im sop happy because today Ive found my friends. Theyre in my head. Im so ugly but thats okay because so are you. Broke our mirrors. Sunday morni ngs every day for all I care. And Im n V otscared. Light my candles in a daze bec ause I found God. Yeaaaaahhhhh. I like i t,Im not gonna crack . I miss you Im n otgonna crack. I love you Im not gonna crack. Ill kill you Im not gonna crack AAreachangEACChatsysoPC .Ilike it Im not gonna crack. I miss yo RReadpostSRQBack2MainQ u,Im not gonna crack. I love you Im n PPostawaYPLRUaLamerL otgonna crack. Ill kill you Im not gon ChoosEPleasE nacrack. Nirvana 91 Lithium - Lyrics copied without permission. Screw the legalshit!The rest of this line left intentionnaly blank. Er. Not blank anymore !
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