this image contains text
Metal Edge will R0ck Yer w0rld
+o prEcI0Us mEtAl
/ .sSyS@sP
. :b Ss. .sSySs. pm!
: S l :b lb yyyyyyyyyyyyg...
pyyyyyyyyyyyyy ,dl :7 :: S : yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
b P7 :l ,dl l
mEtAl EdgE ,d: :bPS7 6194234970
dl l ,d: :ssssy,
pyyyyyyyyyg S pyyyyyyg Sy dl ld pggyyyyyyyyg
S S S / 13 gIgz
28.8 / -- S S --
n0 rAtI0s /
Art * Ansi * Ascii * Iniquity * BBS M0dz * Guitar * Bass * Drum
t a b l a t u r e
2 Gigz of MP3z * Ri0T Member B0ard * Warl0ck WHQ * MetalNet 282:990/12
Running Iniquity a26r5 * Cuzt0m Anziz * Call it d0rk
Fast Pentium * 128RAM * 13Gigz
6 1 9 4 2 3 4 9 7 0
+o prEcI0Us mEtAl
/ .sSyS@sP
. :b Ss. .sSySs. pm!
: S l :b lb yyyyyyyyyyyyg...
pyyyyyyyyyyyyy ,dl :7 :: S : yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
b P7 :l ,dl l
mEtAl EdgE ,d: :bPS7 6194234970
dl l ,d: :ssssy,
pyyyyyyyyyg S pyyyyyyg Sy dl ld pggyyyyyyyyg
S S S / 13 gIgz
28.8 / -- S S --
n0 rAtI0s /
Art * Ansi * Ascii * Iniquity * BBS M0dz * Guitar * Bass * Drum
t a b l a t u r e
2 Gigz of MP3z * Ri0T Member B0ard * Warl0ck WHQ * MetalNet 282:990/12
Running Iniquity a26r5 * Cuzt0m Anziz * Call it d0rk
Fast Pentium * 128RAM * 13Gigz
6 1 9 4 2 3 4 9 7 0
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