this image contains text
WilD Ansi Creators presents - The second ANSipack
WACPack 2 - The Second Reality?
Hi! Here we are again, with our second release. Phew, that fist ansi
pack were really shitty stuff, or what?. There have been many changes
in WAC as a matter of fact, the whole group is almost new. Nowadays
: there are two presidents uhm Chili Pepper and Doc Ansi. Chili Pepper :
took Docs place, because Doc joined DoD and he is kinda busy at the
moment. Anyway, check the pack out and get stunned,its so fucking
This packs file descriptions
Filename Description Made By
WAC-INFO.ANS Youre reading it .. ANoNYMoUS
CPR-DAT1.ANS The Dark Tower Chili Pepper
CPR-SVG1.ANS Savage Horror Chili Pepper
CPR-CAND.ANS Candarian World Chili Pepper
CPR-WLGO.ANS WAC Logo Chili Pepper
CPR-DARK.ANS Dark Side Chili Pepper
CPR-SOCI.ANS The Society Chili Pepper
CPR-ADRM.ANS Android Dreams RAZOR 1911 Chili Pepper
RST-HELL.ANS Hell Conferences Raster
RST-HUMA.ANS Human Interface Raster
RST-LOI1.ANS Land of Ice Raster
RST-METC.ANS Metal Church Raster
RST-DAT1.ANS The Dark Tower Raster
RST-POLI.ANS Police Officer Raster
RST-HONY.ANS Honey?? Raster
RST-SAND.ANS U Know It. Raster
DOC-SOCI.ASC The Society Doc Ansi
CPR-SAV1.ASC Savage Horror Chili Pepper
C!P-WAC1.LBM A Bloody Axe Copter
C!P-WAC2.LBM Wild Ansi Creators Logo Copter
WACAPPLY.FRM Wild Ansi Creators Application Form ANoNYMoUS
WACs current memberlist
Senior Staff
Chili Pepper Doc Ansi
Raster Copter
Means VGA, Means ANSi
Copter Trancer Brian
Doc Ansi Chili Pepper
W.a.C Support BBSs
The Society +358-X-XXXXXXX WorldHQ
Savage Horror +358-TEMP-DOWN! Member oard
The Real Deal +358-X-XXXXXXX Member oard
: Golden Image +49-XXXXXXXXXXX Distribution Site :
The Darkside +358-X-XXXXXXXX Distribution Site
Our greetings PersonalGroup goes to ..
iCE ViRUS Tj uG Braindead Homie Snake Man Mozart Weasel
ACiD iCE AFC J!P Pentagram iNC Razor 1911 Eternity DoD
If you want to join us, download the application form somewhere, where you
can find it or direct from our distribution sites/headquarters. Theres
always a place for a good artist, coder or whatever. And we are really
in need of members, cause the whole group went pieces while ago and all
members were banned. If you have any further questions, call our boards
or leave a message somewhere where you can locate us.
WACPack 2 - The Second Reality?
Hi! Here we are again, with our second release. Phew, that fist ansi
pack were really shitty stuff, or what?. There have been many changes
in WAC as a matter of fact, the whole group is almost new. Nowadays
: there are two presidents uhm Chili Pepper and Doc Ansi. Chili Pepper :
took Docs place, because Doc joined DoD and he is kinda busy at the
moment. Anyway, check the pack out and get stunned,its so fucking
This packs file descriptions
Filename Description Made By
WAC-INFO.ANS Youre reading it .. ANoNYMoUS
CPR-DAT1.ANS The Dark Tower Chili Pepper
CPR-SVG1.ANS Savage Horror Chili Pepper
CPR-CAND.ANS Candarian World Chili Pepper
CPR-WLGO.ANS WAC Logo Chili Pepper
CPR-DARK.ANS Dark Side Chili Pepper
CPR-SOCI.ANS The Society Chili Pepper
CPR-ADRM.ANS Android Dreams RAZOR 1911 Chili Pepper
RST-HELL.ANS Hell Conferences Raster
RST-HUMA.ANS Human Interface Raster
RST-LOI1.ANS Land of Ice Raster
RST-METC.ANS Metal Church Raster
RST-DAT1.ANS The Dark Tower Raster
RST-POLI.ANS Police Officer Raster
RST-HONY.ANS Honey?? Raster
RST-SAND.ANS U Know It. Raster
DOC-SOCI.ASC The Society Doc Ansi
CPR-SAV1.ASC Savage Horror Chili Pepper
C!P-WAC1.LBM A Bloody Axe Copter
C!P-WAC2.LBM Wild Ansi Creators Logo Copter
WACAPPLY.FRM Wild Ansi Creators Application Form ANoNYMoUS
WACs current memberlist
Senior Staff
Chili Pepper Doc Ansi
Raster Copter
Means VGA, Means ANSi
Copter Trancer Brian
Doc Ansi Chili Pepper
W.a.C Support BBSs
The Society +358-X-XXXXXXX WorldHQ
Savage Horror +358-TEMP-DOWN! Member oard
The Real Deal +358-X-XXXXXXX Member oard
: Golden Image +49-XXXXXXXXXXX Distribution Site :
The Darkside +358-X-XXXXXXXX Distribution Site
Our greetings PersonalGroup goes to ..
iCE ViRUS Tj uG Braindead Homie Snake Man Mozart Weasel
ACiD iCE AFC J!P Pentagram iNC Razor 1911 Eternity DoD
If you want to join us, download the application form somewhere, where you
can find it or direct from our distribution sites/headquarters. Theres
always a place for a good artist, coder or whatever. And we are really
in need of members, cause the whole group went pieces while ago and all
members were banned. If you have any further questions, call our boards
or leave a message somewhere where you can locate us.
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