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// / dFC .// :.. .:
dA fUNKY cREW! / / / / ....::
/ so, once upon a time there was a hippie called jack. . /
. he wanted to start criminal funk crew very bad and .
: thats exactly what he did. he couldnt find a good :
: name so he called to his friend jones and asked from :
: him. jones screamed: D.a F.unky C.rew! - and thats :
/ about it!
dA fUNKY cREW! / / / / ....::
/ so, once upon a time there was a hippie called jack. . /
. he wanted to start criminal funk crew very bad and .
: thats exactly what he did. he couldnt find a good :
: name so he called to his friend jones and asked from :
: him. jones screamed: D.a F.unky C.rew! - and thats :
/ about it!
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