this image contains text
.............askie colly 1 by milk@venom.............keep pressing pagedown. each askie takes a whole page... this is just a fill-ini had a page to waste so i wrote out the guitar tabs for a song i wrote one day........................................ripped is the title of the song by the way, its a 100 origonal milk creation.riffs are spaced strangely so you can see how the bass fits in, but it actuallytakes about three seconds to do riff C once, and ten seconds to do riff A once......................................... A play this twice B this 4 times
d+ --4-44p2- --7-77p6- --2-2-2 -4--4 - 4 d: 4 x 4 7 6/7 x 4 x 4 x 3
a+ -4-4----4 -7-7----7 -2-2-2- -4--4 - 4 a: 4 x 4 7 6/7 x 4 x 4 x 3
e+ 2-------- 5-------- 0------ 2-22- 2 - e: 2 x 2 5 4/5 0 2 x 2 0 1
e+ 222222-22 555555-55 0000000 22222 2 2 e: 2 2 2 5 5 5 0 2 2 2 0 1/
C this twice D this once
d: 9 - x - 9 - 5 - 7 x d: 9 x 9 5 7 8 9 9/12/9 x 6/7 x
a: 9 - x - 9 - 5 - 7 x a: 9 x 9 5 7 8 9 9/12/9 x 6/7 x
e: 7 - x - 7 - 3 - 5 x e: 7 x 7 3 5 6 7 7/10/7 0 4/5 0
e: 7 6h7 0 5 4h5 0 3 2h3 0 2 2 2 5 2h5/
........................................ intro: play a once without the stuff in grey. then play it again with the
grey. bass in dark gray comes in on the third time round.
body : then play b 4 times, c twice and d once. bass playing constantly except
at d.
,sSSs,sSSs,,SS .. SssSS Ss,,sSMlk,
,PYYP YYYSSSS .. SSYSYY, SSSS b ss b S :: st S,,SSS, SSS ss S yy SS S SS S ,Sb, ,.SlSS S l ,sS,SSSS S SggggSS SS SSSSb,.lllS S SS ,lSS ll SSSSSl ll lSSS sssss.Sll, .l ll lS ,sSsll SSSS SSll llSS S SSSS b., l lSS :: , lllS YY SSl YY lll l SSll P l lSS :: s,,,s :: lb,,dlbd,:,lss . :: lS :: SS .. P . .. l .. SSSS . . . .
. aneurysm. home of venom and shrapnel. . .
and BOY does shrapnel PISS ME OFF!
anyway. give aneurysm a call ...
i am aware that this is spelt wrong, however i changed it to sy before and it
looked really crap. if you dont like it - dont look at it!
..:::::SSSS::::::. .:::::SSSSSS::::::::::SSSSSSS:::::. :::::SSSSSSSSSSS:::::::SSSSSS::::::. :::SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS:::::SSSSSSSS::: ::SSSSSSSSSSSSSS::::SSSSSSSSSSSS: .. SS SSSSS:::SSSSSSSSS . . . . ::::SSSS::SSSS: . . S . . :::::SSSSSSS:: P. . , . . . :::SSSSSSS:, , . . , , . :SsSSSSSSSS, , , , gg, . , SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, , , , b. ,d SSSSSSS:SSSSSSSSSS, , , , S bgd SSSSSS::::SSSSSSSS, ggg , ggg SS:::::
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS , ggg :::::: , ,SSS::::::SSSSSSSS::SSS ggg , :::::: ggg ,SSSSSSSSSSSS::::SSSS :::::: ,SSSSSSSSSS:::::::::SSSSSS:::::::: venom98 :::::::SSSSS
yaya venom!.... sigh ....looks crappy.... i should resign shudder
........................................ YY S@s, , @ss, s , b s, h Y, , r ,dP a dP ,ss, p ,, .,sg,. db Yb,dYYP,dPYPYg ,Ys, Ss,,s@SS@s,P ms@SS@s.,s@S@s,b b,Ys. gg Y,,,,d.,,gggb,Yy, b,,, ,
gggggggg b,y
ggg ggggg ,P
., P ,
,bsd ,d, b,Y, P,d S@ggggg@ggggggg ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggg*P n , e P , l P sdggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
P : yyy
P ,syyyyyyyyy Sb,
b, P ,
: , : yyysss
b Y Y d P SS@@s,
P ,s , P,s
Y b Y
c y b e r m a i l 23
thats it.
d+ --4-44p2- --7-77p6- --2-2-2 -4--4 - 4 d: 4 x 4 7 6/7 x 4 x 4 x 3
a+ -4-4----4 -7-7----7 -2-2-2- -4--4 - 4 a: 4 x 4 7 6/7 x 4 x 4 x 3
e+ 2-------- 5-------- 0------ 2-22- 2 - e: 2 x 2 5 4/5 0 2 x 2 0 1
e+ 222222-22 555555-55 0000000 22222 2 2 e: 2 2 2 5 5 5 0 2 2 2 0 1/
C this twice D this once
d: 9 - x - 9 - 5 - 7 x d: 9 x 9 5 7 8 9 9/12/9 x 6/7 x
a: 9 - x - 9 - 5 - 7 x a: 9 x 9 5 7 8 9 9/12/9 x 6/7 x
e: 7 - x - 7 - 3 - 5 x e: 7 x 7 3 5 6 7 7/10/7 0 4/5 0
e: 7 6h7 0 5 4h5 0 3 2h3 0 2 2 2 5 2h5/
........................................ intro: play a once without the stuff in grey. then play it again with the
grey. bass in dark gray comes in on the third time round.
body : then play b 4 times, c twice and d once. bass playing constantly except
at d.
,sSSs,sSSs,,SS .. SssSS Ss,,sSMlk,
,PYYP YYYSSSS .. SSYSYY, SSSS b ss b S :: st S,,SSS, SSS ss S yy SS S SS S ,Sb, ,.SlSS S l ,sS,SSSS S SggggSS SS SSSSb,.lllS S SS ,lSS ll SSSSSl ll lSSS sssss.Sll, .l ll lS ,sSsll SSSS SSll llSS S SSSS b., l lSS :: , lllS YY SSl YY lll l SSll P l lSS :: s,,,s :: lb,,dlbd,:,lss . :: lS :: SS .. P . .. l .. SSSS . . . .
. aneurysm. home of venom and shrapnel. . .
and BOY does shrapnel PISS ME OFF!
anyway. give aneurysm a call ...
i am aware that this is spelt wrong, however i changed it to sy before and it
looked really crap. if you dont like it - dont look at it!
..:::::SSSS::::::. .:::::SSSSSS::::::::::SSSSSSS:::::. :::::SSSSSSSSSSS:::::::SSSSSS::::::. :::SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS:::::SSSSSSSS::: ::SSSSSSSSSSSSSS::::SSSSSSSSSSSS: .. SS SSSSS:::SSSSSSSSS . . . . ::::SSSS::SSSS: . . S . . :::::SSSSSSS:: P. . , . . . :::SSSSSSS:, , . . , , . :SsSSSSSSSS, , , , gg, . , SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, , , , b. ,d SSSSSSS:SSSSSSSSSS, , , , S bgd SSSSSS::::SSSSSSSS, ggg , ggg SS:::::
SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS , ggg :::::: , ,SSS::::::SSSSSSSS::SSS ggg , :::::: ggg ,SSSSSSSSSSSS::::SSSS :::::: ,SSSSSSSSSS:::::::::SSSSSS:::::::: venom98 :::::::SSSSS
yaya venom!.... sigh ....looks crappy.... i should resign shudder
........................................ YY S@s, , @ss, s , b s, h Y, , r ,dP a dP ,ss, p ,, .,sg,. db Yb,dYYP,dPYPYg ,Ys, Ss,,s@SS@s,P ms@SS@s.,s@S@s,b b,Ys. gg Y,,,,d.,,gggb,Yy, b,,, ,
gggggggg b,y
ggg ggggg ,P
., P ,
,bsd ,d, b,Y, P,d S@ggggg@ggggggg ggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggg*P n , e P , l P sdggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
P : yyy
P ,syyyyyyyyy Sb,
b, P ,
: , : yyysss
b Y Y d P SS@@s,
P ,s , P,s
Y b Y
c y b e r m a i l 23
thats it.
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