this image contains text
TRiBAL WRiTES - The TRiBE Newsletter - Volumn 1 / Iss
ue 9 - March 1994
March turned out to be TRiBE: National DooM Month,
because most of the
4o4 guys spent most of the month watching me shove missles do
wn thier
throat. grin Big GROUP Hug to the new guys for savin our
butts. Now we only DooM on the weekends. . .
The super secret guy who joined TRiBE last month was,
drum roll provided
by Dark Deception Panama Jack, Formerly of ACiD Productions
., he typed
in his best RaD MaN impersonation. PJ simply wanted to hold
off on the
announcement until he had a release. Heres hoping theres
a release in
this ZIP, cuz Im not editing this at the last moment. He
s here now,
and us TRiBE guys are all simlpy a giddy with excitement that
ANSi Veterian decided to go to TRiBE to retire, he typed
in his best
Beastie impersonation. And they talk to me about Propoganda
Ok: so I had to edit it at the last moment to say that PJ ha
d to go out
of town at the last second, so look for his ANSi early on in
SPEAKING of artists leaving ACiD, Maestro, Jocko and
Deeply Disturbed all
joined TRiBE this month. Within a few days, Deeply Disturbed
and Jocko
were talked back into re-joining ACiD. A few days from that,
Jocko calls
us up and says, Hey, really, Im still in TRiBE, but this gu
y wants some
ANSi from me that he paid for with ACiD on them. Then at so
me point in
time, Jocko joined iCE. NOW hes reportedly out of the scene
. Days ago
Deeply Distrubed decided dropping ACiD for TRiBE was definate
ly the
direction he wanted to go, so the dudes back drawing for TRiB
E and working
on Distorted. FINALLY- Red Leader came aboard at the last mo
ment ...
Maestros showing everyone out there that a FART Fre
ehand ART doesnt
have to be a TOON JeD Wanna-Be to be GOOD, that FARTs can
be as good
as any BELCH Big, Elite, Lovely, Comic Hack. Too bad ACiD
s Quality
Control excluded some of his material, because this is the g
uy thier
WDCWC We dont copy, we create! Division has been waiting
for! You
know, that ACiD Division that releases Stun Island, Screen Ca
ptures from
other games, iCE ANSi rips TT/ED/Sand, etc.
Dark Deception had tried to join iCE, but apparenly g
ot the run around.
Apon finding out that he could defininately be trial, he ca
me to talk
with me about it, and decided to stick with TRiBE, the proble
ms resolved.
Spirit of Illusion, an Eternity guy that didnt live
up to ACiDs Quality
Control joins us his month. While hes been groupless betwe
en then and
now, he didnt Pull a Ren Noble Aka Being Sunny De-active
A big hidieho goes out to Thanatos who also joins us
this month from Nitro
which is Maestros neck of the woods.
Another Happy Happy Joy Joy nod goes out to SIDS who
comes aboard. Hes
a guy from a group called MAGiC which merged with another gro
up, Gothic.
Geez, another one? Yup. Zeppelin zips over from iC
E, tired of all the
TRiAL SHiT. He just got off grounding, so look for his stuff
next month.
Minor Threat: Hey, bud, if youve decided to stay wi
th us, could you get
us a number that works? The ones we have are all dis-co-nect
Would one of you kind people out there in TRiBE Land,
please, please, do
a new TRiBAL WRiTES logo. Mr. Man did this before he gotz
his skillz
and Ive long since ran out of color combinations. Hey Joe,
kill your bro
Were making great StrIDeS on the TV project. Keep y
our fingers and toes
crossed for its debut next month. Pray the libraries come
in. . .
Shihear Kallizad
ue 9 - March 1994
March turned out to be TRiBE: National DooM Month,
because most of the
4o4 guys spent most of the month watching me shove missles do
wn thier
throat. grin Big GROUP Hug to the new guys for savin our
butts. Now we only DooM on the weekends. . .
The super secret guy who joined TRiBE last month was,
drum roll provided
by Dark Deception Panama Jack, Formerly of ACiD Productions
., he typed
in his best RaD MaN impersonation. PJ simply wanted to hold
off on the
announcement until he had a release. Heres hoping theres
a release in
this ZIP, cuz Im not editing this at the last moment. He
s here now,
and us TRiBE guys are all simlpy a giddy with excitement that
ANSi Veterian decided to go to TRiBE to retire, he typed
in his best
Beastie impersonation. And they talk to me about Propoganda
Ok: so I had to edit it at the last moment to say that PJ ha
d to go out
of town at the last second, so look for his ANSi early on in
SPEAKING of artists leaving ACiD, Maestro, Jocko and
Deeply Disturbed all
joined TRiBE this month. Within a few days, Deeply Disturbed
and Jocko
were talked back into re-joining ACiD. A few days from that,
Jocko calls
us up and says, Hey, really, Im still in TRiBE, but this gu
y wants some
ANSi from me that he paid for with ACiD on them. Then at so
me point in
time, Jocko joined iCE. NOW hes reportedly out of the scene
. Days ago
Deeply Distrubed decided dropping ACiD for TRiBE was definate
ly the
direction he wanted to go, so the dudes back drawing for TRiB
E and working
on Distorted. FINALLY- Red Leader came aboard at the last mo
ment ...
Maestros showing everyone out there that a FART Fre
ehand ART doesnt
have to be a TOON JeD Wanna-Be to be GOOD, that FARTs can
be as good
as any BELCH Big, Elite, Lovely, Comic Hack. Too bad ACiD
s Quality
Control excluded some of his material, because this is the g
uy thier
WDCWC We dont copy, we create! Division has been waiting
for! You
know, that ACiD Division that releases Stun Island, Screen Ca
ptures from
other games, iCE ANSi rips TT/ED/Sand, etc.
Dark Deception had tried to join iCE, but apparenly g
ot the run around.
Apon finding out that he could defininately be trial, he ca
me to talk
with me about it, and decided to stick with TRiBE, the proble
ms resolved.
Spirit of Illusion, an Eternity guy that didnt live
up to ACiDs Quality
Control joins us his month. While hes been groupless betwe
en then and
now, he didnt Pull a Ren Noble Aka Being Sunny De-active
A big hidieho goes out to Thanatos who also joins us
this month from Nitro
which is Maestros neck of the woods.
Another Happy Happy Joy Joy nod goes out to SIDS who
comes aboard. Hes
a guy from a group called MAGiC which merged with another gro
up, Gothic.
Geez, another one? Yup. Zeppelin zips over from iC
E, tired of all the
TRiAL SHiT. He just got off grounding, so look for his stuff
next month.
Minor Threat: Hey, bud, if youve decided to stay wi
th us, could you get
us a number that works? The ones we have are all dis-co-nect
Would one of you kind people out there in TRiBE Land,
please, please, do
a new TRiBAL WRiTES logo. Mr. Man did this before he gotz
his skillz
and Ive long since ran out of color combinations. Hey Joe,
kill your bro
Were making great StrIDeS on the TV project. Keep y
our fingers and toes
crossed for its debut next month. Pray the libraries come
in. . .
Shihear Kallizad
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