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The Shattered Lands
A fabled land of heroes and villains, it has been quiet for ages
But no longer will it stay calm, according to the sages
A new evil is seizing power, and the good is getting mad
A greedy villain and a pissed off hero make the situation bad
The two forces collide, when the smoke clears, the evil is clearly the winner
A new government forms, society changed, the righteous is now the sinner
All seems hopeless and all is lost, and the good is stuck in a jam
But out of the darkness comes a hero so true, out of the ashes arises Batman
He fights off the evil and makes it safe for you
Now that things have changed you know what you must do
So join me, my friend. Come take my hand
I shall bring you back to paradise, unto the Shattered Lands
Six Pack
Spanning the globe it conquers all
Those involved are standing tall
Always on track never leaving the path
Opposers are lost in the aftermath
Covering all fields and doing it well
When all put together, quickly does it gel
When readying to release, expectations are high
Its hard to reach our caliber, though many do try
As individuals youre alone, so togetherness is key
Thats a reason for success, unified are we
We shift to high gear and leave all at our back
This happens everytime we put out a sixpack
A fabled land of heroes and villains, it has been quiet for ages
But no longer will it stay calm, according to the sages
A new evil is seizing power, and the good is getting mad
A greedy villain and a pissed off hero make the situation bad
The two forces collide, when the smoke clears, the evil is clearly the winner
A new government forms, society changed, the righteous is now the sinner
All seems hopeless and all is lost, and the good is stuck in a jam
But out of the darkness comes a hero so true, out of the ashes arises Batman
He fights off the evil and makes it safe for you
Now that things have changed you know what you must do
So join me, my friend. Come take my hand
I shall bring you back to paradise, unto the Shattered Lands
Six Pack
Spanning the globe it conquers all
Those involved are standing tall
Always on track never leaving the path
Opposers are lost in the aftermath
Covering all fields and doing it well
When all put together, quickly does it gel
When readying to release, expectations are high
Its hard to reach our caliber, though many do try
As individuals youre alone, so togetherness is key
Thats a reason for success, unified are we
We shift to high gear and leave all at our back
This happens everytime we put out a sixpack
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