this image contains text
*: ., :l l l llll l*.db. *ll: q@@p llll ** :l llq@..d@*: l * . 7* l l* .q@ j@ q@ll .q@ l * * *I *.*@p ,q@@@p.7l *@p.:,* L * .q*.q@ 7..Q*d*. 7.d.* @q@ * ** .q* l: j@ lq@.7,q@ l*l: I ll l l : llll lb. :q lb.*b.l@@, *l l* * * *b.*/,.q@,q@. - */*: pq@b.*y:ll/. : @p.*l* *l @p.*.q@@p,lll l7,q@P jlI ll *.. :* *@, *// */QQQQ*47 :7 l
*// b. ./* ll
lll/ .d7*,q@@p,.*. *.
: *l7j l*/@p.
:,,d::: 7 :
7 l* l d
: , q*
This is one of my favorites. This was originally a half finished ANSi I drew,
but I scrapped it and used the dii shape. Its for ionz script dream2, if
it even exists/existed. Greets to remorse, v9, tribal.
*// b. ./* ll
lll/ .d7*,q@@p,.*. *.
: *l7j l*/@p.
:,,d::: 7 :
7 l* l d
: , q*
This is one of my favorites. This was originally a half finished ANSi I drew,
but I scrapped it and used the dii shape. Its for ionz script dream2, if
it even exists/existed. Greets to remorse, v9, tribal.
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