this image contains text
Issue 001 The Stile NewsLetter November 1994
2.50 An Official Stile Productiontm Sthlm, Sweden
08/14 Stile Founded! Original members:
Gangstar, Omnibuz, D-vibe, Irony,
Aeon, Ique. All ready to do some
awesome art!
08/22 Accolon, the well known ppe coder
joins and increases the powerful
Stile ppe team.
08/24 Obscene Phobia, the really fast
four 28800 noded board, takes
place as Stile Scandinavian HQ!
A warm welcome to Obscene Phobia
and The Judge! Call it if youre
fast enough. Real traders should Gangstar, welcome all new members
have the numbers! and headquarters to Stile...
10/14 Catonica, The great ppe coder, has recently resigned from ALF and
will from now on, contribute with his original and powerful PPEs,
as he joins up with Stile.
10/15 Convulsion, the fast two noded 28800 board in +46 joins as
member board. Call it!
10/15 Pfezzyo, a very talented and active Pascal and PPL coder, quit
Lexicon to join up with Stile. Look out for his exellent ppes,
and other stunning code!
10/22 Little Savage, Triton World HQ! Joins stile as Dist Site! Were all
waiting for the ultimate tracker - Fast Tracker II by Triton! Hurry
up triton guys Our music production is straggleing!
After the sad news about FAiC breaking
up, and that there wasnt any real art
group left, operating the Swedish elite
scene, the elite boards started to look
like shit. Something had to be done!
A few guys from FAiC, and some other
talented artists , all cut their
affiliations to join up in one kickass
art group, to do some heavy creations.
Stile was founded, August the 14:th!
The original members Gangstar, Omnibuz, Catonica, w8ing for next meeting...
D-Vibe, Irony, Ique and Aeon gathered
in a nice meeting, eccept for some long distance boys that couldnt attend.
Even though we all were kinda busy people, having lots of other things to
deal with, we all knew the potentials of the group and what we could
We did not found Stile to replace
others, nor claim were best. Stile was
founded for the entertainment and joy,
of creating and producing art for
ourselves and others pleasure.
We only recruit real talented members
that enjoys what they are doing, and
that we know has the skill to produce
original and independent art and come
up with new and own ideas.
Stile never, ever, puts pressure on the
members, nor tries to force members to
produce. All Stile members are
independent, and we only create when Irony, showing us the Stile Attitude.
we feel, have time or want to do it. If Laid back, chilled as he codes some
a members miss out on a months or two, heavy intro effects! Cool as always!
it wont make the world falling apart!
We respect our members as individuals that can take care of themselves, and
in loyality to Stile, create and do their best for the group. Thats what
making us strong and promising! So remember, Stile is not like other groups!
We dont work under pressure nor demands, we just do what were good at and
create for the fun of it! Stile - Only for fun!
Stile is an art group! Primarily
an ansi group, but were already
expanding in all conceivable art
genres such as coding, PPE, VGA,
music etc... Weve picked up
very talented and skillful ppe
coders that will kick ass with
their powerful and original ppes!
Our ppe team is growing faster
then ever, and with support from
our artists the ppe potentials of
Stile is enormous.
So in the future, check out our
D-Vibe Accolon smiling bigtime art packs and be sure not to miss
infront of the camera... our stunning ppe releases.
As Stile grows every day and as weve
got lots of things to do, we are always
looking for some talented ansi artists,
ascii artists, vga artists, rip artists
ray-trace artists , ppe coders, asm
coders, all sort of coders, musicians
and other creative persons as well as
new headquarters and distribution sites
that can support the group and increase
the already so powerful Stile team. If
you feel elected, and got the talent,
skill and originality it takes to join
up with a real art group, then grab our
application questionnaire, fill it out
and upload it to any of our headquarter
or get in contact with any Stile member Pfezzyo Ique discussing whats
that can recieve your apply! really happening... Cheeze guys!
Until next time, Take care! And hope to see you in Stile some day!
Newsletter Credits
Main Editor : Gangstar Of Stile Layout : Gangstar Of Stile
Other Editors: N/A Photographers: Gangstar Of Stile
Informers : N/A Sponsors : N/A
If you have any hot stuff or interessting info about the scene or whatever!
Mail us your info and well publish it in the next issue of Stile Newstm.
As Stile has some senior members that
has been contributing to the PC Elite
Scene for more then eight years,
weve got tens of thousands of
greetings to throw out to friends,
people that has helped us out and
other people that has done something
good or contributed to the scene.
These people has earned their greets
and will always have our respect!
Greets from different Stile members,
In no specific order: All our fans!
The Judge, Steed, Dale, Loot, Fenrir,
Acid, Triton, FaicRip, Rebels, Pwa,
Gods, Ice, Cascada VRS, Union, Blade,
Cascada, Error Art, Cia, Tribe, Dark,
2000AD, Nixon, Coq Rouge, Soundman, Omnibuz Aeon, both busy counting
Zed, Zonic, Bad Karma, Dominator, the greets... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Zorax, Les Manley, Swayze, Moocher, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ehh? 1, 2, 3, 4...
Zany, Cruger, Doze, Fever, Eaz, M:et,
Il Cattino, Dront, Elwood, Mr.Terry, Blackhawk, Marlboro Man, Twister,
Nick!, Phase, Ministry, Vigilante, Snuskbuske, Viper, Celtic Warrior,
Mr.Spock, Illegal E?ror, Raw Liquid, Tosh10, Robban of Cascada, Holy Beast,
Mirage, Gordon Gekko, Coke Habit, Steve, The Meanman, Dodo, The Zalion,
Grendel, Betong, Boomerang, Crimson Death, DPS, Wico, Mannen, Punisher,
Meleth, Phyro, The Sarge, Randall, Pure Magic, Mr.X, Spiff, Seidon, Callis,
Mr.Tilt, Ypsilon, Zaxxan, Cyberhawk, Thunderhawk, Wizard One, Sl/sh,
The Hunter, Mr.Magoo, Razorback, Ozonic, Turranius, Axis!, Mr.Eagle,
Mercury, Bareface, Undertaker, Multi Crapper, Sy77!, Metz, Hawk, Dragon,
Mindbender, Mum Iques, Anxious, Cruzader, Kenny Lust, Ken Buddha, Dolby,
Pure Pain, Elwin, Coroner, Wiper, Mr.Elake, De Mayer, BagOne, Karon!, Ozone,
Redhawk, Stimpy, Bozo, Bear, Winston, Grim, Laric, Burton, Fritz, Wirefire,
Shapechanger, Stookie, Junior, Hotshot, Billy Joint, Sniffet, Leatherman,
Moonshine, Dreadfull, Ozelot, and all we forgot...
Special Thanks! goes out to all couriers spreading our art packs around the
globe and to YOU for your support! Thanks to The Hit Man ACID for the best
ansi viewer ever - ACiD View 2.02! Thanks to you all!
The Stile Crew signing off...
2.50 An Official Stile Productiontm Sthlm, Sweden
08/14 Stile Founded! Original members:
Gangstar, Omnibuz, D-vibe, Irony,
Aeon, Ique. All ready to do some
awesome art!
08/22 Accolon, the well known ppe coder
joins and increases the powerful
Stile ppe team.
08/24 Obscene Phobia, the really fast
four 28800 noded board, takes
place as Stile Scandinavian HQ!
A warm welcome to Obscene Phobia
and The Judge! Call it if youre
fast enough. Real traders should Gangstar, welcome all new members
have the numbers! and headquarters to Stile...
10/14 Catonica, The great ppe coder, has recently resigned from ALF and
will from now on, contribute with his original and powerful PPEs,
as he joins up with Stile.
10/15 Convulsion, the fast two noded 28800 board in +46 joins as
member board. Call it!
10/15 Pfezzyo, a very talented and active Pascal and PPL coder, quit
Lexicon to join up with Stile. Look out for his exellent ppes,
and other stunning code!
10/22 Little Savage, Triton World HQ! Joins stile as Dist Site! Were all
waiting for the ultimate tracker - Fast Tracker II by Triton! Hurry
up triton guys Our music production is straggleing!
After the sad news about FAiC breaking
up, and that there wasnt any real art
group left, operating the Swedish elite
scene, the elite boards started to look
like shit. Something had to be done!
A few guys from FAiC, and some other
talented artists , all cut their
affiliations to join up in one kickass
art group, to do some heavy creations.
Stile was founded, August the 14:th!
The original members Gangstar, Omnibuz, Catonica, w8ing for next meeting...
D-Vibe, Irony, Ique and Aeon gathered
in a nice meeting, eccept for some long distance boys that couldnt attend.
Even though we all were kinda busy people, having lots of other things to
deal with, we all knew the potentials of the group and what we could
We did not found Stile to replace
others, nor claim were best. Stile was
founded for the entertainment and joy,
of creating and producing art for
ourselves and others pleasure.
We only recruit real talented members
that enjoys what they are doing, and
that we know has the skill to produce
original and independent art and come
up with new and own ideas.
Stile never, ever, puts pressure on the
members, nor tries to force members to
produce. All Stile members are
independent, and we only create when Irony, showing us the Stile Attitude.
we feel, have time or want to do it. If Laid back, chilled as he codes some
a members miss out on a months or two, heavy intro effects! Cool as always!
it wont make the world falling apart!
We respect our members as individuals that can take care of themselves, and
in loyality to Stile, create and do their best for the group. Thats what
making us strong and promising! So remember, Stile is not like other groups!
We dont work under pressure nor demands, we just do what were good at and
create for the fun of it! Stile - Only for fun!
Stile is an art group! Primarily
an ansi group, but were already
expanding in all conceivable art
genres such as coding, PPE, VGA,
music etc... Weve picked up
very talented and skillful ppe
coders that will kick ass with
their powerful and original ppes!
Our ppe team is growing faster
then ever, and with support from
our artists the ppe potentials of
Stile is enormous.
So in the future, check out our
D-Vibe Accolon smiling bigtime art packs and be sure not to miss
infront of the camera... our stunning ppe releases.
As Stile grows every day and as weve
got lots of things to do, we are always
looking for some talented ansi artists,
ascii artists, vga artists, rip artists
ray-trace artists , ppe coders, asm
coders, all sort of coders, musicians
and other creative persons as well as
new headquarters and distribution sites
that can support the group and increase
the already so powerful Stile team. If
you feel elected, and got the talent,
skill and originality it takes to join
up with a real art group, then grab our
application questionnaire, fill it out
and upload it to any of our headquarter
or get in contact with any Stile member Pfezzyo Ique discussing whats
that can recieve your apply! really happening... Cheeze guys!
Until next time, Take care! And hope to see you in Stile some day!
Newsletter Credits
Main Editor : Gangstar Of Stile Layout : Gangstar Of Stile
Other Editors: N/A Photographers: Gangstar Of Stile
Informers : N/A Sponsors : N/A
If you have any hot stuff or interessting info about the scene or whatever!
Mail us your info and well publish it in the next issue of Stile Newstm.
As Stile has some senior members that
has been contributing to the PC Elite
Scene for more then eight years,
weve got tens of thousands of
greetings to throw out to friends,
people that has helped us out and
other people that has done something
good or contributed to the scene.
These people has earned their greets
and will always have our respect!
Greets from different Stile members,
In no specific order: All our fans!
The Judge, Steed, Dale, Loot, Fenrir,
Acid, Triton, FaicRip, Rebels, Pwa,
Gods, Ice, Cascada VRS, Union, Blade,
Cascada, Error Art, Cia, Tribe, Dark,
2000AD, Nixon, Coq Rouge, Soundman, Omnibuz Aeon, both busy counting
Zed, Zonic, Bad Karma, Dominator, the greets... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...
Zorax, Les Manley, Swayze, Moocher, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ehh? 1, 2, 3, 4...
Zany, Cruger, Doze, Fever, Eaz, M:et,
Il Cattino, Dront, Elwood, Mr.Terry, Blackhawk, Marlboro Man, Twister,
Nick!, Phase, Ministry, Vigilante, Snuskbuske, Viper, Celtic Warrior,
Mr.Spock, Illegal E?ror, Raw Liquid, Tosh10, Robban of Cascada, Holy Beast,
Mirage, Gordon Gekko, Coke Habit, Steve, The Meanman, Dodo, The Zalion,
Grendel, Betong, Boomerang, Crimson Death, DPS, Wico, Mannen, Punisher,
Meleth, Phyro, The Sarge, Randall, Pure Magic, Mr.X, Spiff, Seidon, Callis,
Mr.Tilt, Ypsilon, Zaxxan, Cyberhawk, Thunderhawk, Wizard One, Sl/sh,
The Hunter, Mr.Magoo, Razorback, Ozonic, Turranius, Axis!, Mr.Eagle,
Mercury, Bareface, Undertaker, Multi Crapper, Sy77!, Metz, Hawk, Dragon,
Mindbender, Mum Iques, Anxious, Cruzader, Kenny Lust, Ken Buddha, Dolby,
Pure Pain, Elwin, Coroner, Wiper, Mr.Elake, De Mayer, BagOne, Karon!, Ozone,
Redhawk, Stimpy, Bozo, Bear, Winston, Grim, Laric, Burton, Fritz, Wirefire,
Shapechanger, Stookie, Junior, Hotshot, Billy Joint, Sniffet, Leatherman,
Moonshine, Dreadfull, Ozelot, and all we forgot...
Special Thanks! goes out to all couriers spreading our art packs around the
globe and to YOU for your support! Thanks to The Hit Man ACID for the best
ansi viewer ever - ACiD View 2.02! Thanks to you all!
The Stile Crew signing off...
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