Spastic logo by Acid Phix & friends
Spastic logo by Acid Phix & friends
s u b l i m i n a l m e s s a g e dont read i
t: chemical halo rulez!
AP-SPAS1.ANS is Copyright
C Trademark of Acid Ph
ix, and Morbid Fixation, and
Chemical Halo owns like 5 of the ansi. I
think he has PMS! JOINT production
by the following homies: Original F
ont Design - Morbid Fixation DVS
Shading and Bullshit - Acid Phi
x Spastic Supervising and REALLY B
itching - Chemical Halo Group
Acid Phix would like to greet:
Chemical Halo. He bitc
Morbid Fixation would like to greet:
Chemical Halo. He bitc
hed again! Leper Messiah
s u b l i m i n a l m e s s a g e read this o
call One Last Phix 717-795-9408, NUP- BREAKFAST, or
chemical halo will bitch! and you dont want that!!!