Xavii's Colly #2 by Xavii
Xavii's Colly #2 by Xavii
This is my second colly. I am not good enough yet for names and fancy headers
so here is my work. If you want one mail me at xavii@mindless.com -xavii
:: :: i
--------: :: : i
::: ::: Anonymous
.:::: .:::: Provincy
.................. ,S,gggg ,S , , , ,sS...................:::::::::::::::::: ,S , , , ,.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.SsSS SsSSSSS SsSS.::::::::::::::::::iiclockwork London +o sera +1xxxxxx-xxxx lots and lots of art? warez? hpa? dunno
.sSSs. .sSSs. ggg .sSSs.
.sS .sS Ss. ghh Ss. g
sS ii gggg ggg ggg
::..............................main menu.....................................:
:::::.online games.........................................................::::
::::::.qwk menu...........................................................:::::
:::::::.user stats.......................................................::::::
::::::::.info on the board..............................................:::::::
:::::::::.last callers.................................................::::::::
::::::::::.personal menu..............................................:::::::::
-Dark Circle-
ggggg .sSSs. ggggg ........................................
.sS sssss -distortion-
Ssgggg. ggggg
elenium +0 dunno 0daywarez, art, and shit
s ii
S fusion SsS SsS S SsS S S
.sSSs. .sSSs. gggg .Ss. gggg .sSSs. .sSSs
Ss. ii
s Sgssss
gggggg ggggg gggg
i dunno if you like that one kinda blah---------------------
---------- .sSSs. gggg .Ss. gggg .sSSs. .sSSs
.ghoulies. Ss. ii
---------- ggggg
s Sgssss
ggggg gggg
gggg --------------------------------------------------------------------
that one is a better header for you---------------------
---------- .sSSs. gggg .Ss. gggg .sSSs. .sSSs
.ghoulies. Ss. ii
---------- ggggg
s Sgssss
ggggg gggg
gggg --------------------------------------------------------------------
that one is a little crazier i dunno have fun if you like em--------
.sS ggii
-The Haven---
gsSSsSs. .sSSs. .sSSs. .sSSs. gsSSsSs.
Ssggg. s
iigg gggg
.s ggg .sS ss.
sss .ss. ggg .ss. .sSs. .sS ggg
------- --- ----------------------------------------- gggg ----
mythology last callerz or onelinerz .ii.
bah i suck why why why cant i be good like the remorse and serial ascii d00ds
-Plastic Heros--
Ss. gg ggg .sSSs. ggg .sSSs. .
Ss. : Phusis i dunno what the fuck
sS SsSs. SsSs. : it is but here is a logo
ggg iig : for fungus@mindless.com
.sSSs. .sSSs. .sSSs. ggggg .sSSs. .sS ---------------
Sgggg gggg gggg
-------------------------------------------------------------------- iigggg
.sSSs. ggggggg ggggggg sSs. .............................
:SyN put what ever you want::::
Sggggs. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
ggggggg Ss :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
iiggggg :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::: Ss. :::::::i
ggggg .sSSs. .sSSs. .sSSs. .sSSs.
ggggg s .ggggSS ::write other
ggggg gggii :::shit here:
SS SS g g g g
.sS gssS
s.sSs. sSs. sSsSssSssSsSsii
-------------- / --d e s c e n t---------------------------------------
-Mystical Descent----