Ascii Collection 11/97 by Moon Dogg
Ascii Collection 11/97 by Moon Dogg
moon dogg... shaolins finest 97... november 97..
-- introduction --------------------------------------------------------
umm, first off id like to welcome you to issue 3 of shaolins finest..
this is my first collection for shaolins finest... after thinkin things
over i decided to get back into art.. i was sorta full on courierin n
releasin on net... after a while i just didnt have time to courry, and
lost interest.. i decided to get back more into the local scene, and start
doin some local stuff..
... activate 97 ...
-- - shaolin temple -- wu!
. .-//-00-//-. ..
fatal toxins
unkown area
- snip -----------------------------------------------------------------
Ummm.... im lookin for some requests or somethin... if you need sum azkii
done, leave a note for me on decay or on some other local board im on..
dont forget to grab the xmas special comin soon.. weeeezout!