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pack23 news by
welcome to the 23rd sense imagery art pack. weve kept our promise in that
we said we were going to start releasing monthly packs. i personally know
that its a really big ask of all the members in this day and age to put
out a pack a month, but i guess its as they say no guts no glory, or as
propane would say i like it when avg touches my knee.
speaking of propane, hed be our latest readdition to the roster. yes
thats right, the grandaddy of smack, the mother of fuck monkey, and just
a downright kickass artist is back with us doing what he does best.
on a side note, it might be worth mentioning that our crazy german friend
m0lotov has finally graduated from high school and has been severely
drunk on cheap german beer since that day. he did manage to get in a nice
piece in the pack however, so maybe we should encourage the guy to be
drunk all the time.
cleaner would like to extend a personal invitation to all the female
artists in the world to come and take up ansi. if this wont settle, i
guess avg looks pretty good in a skirt anyways.
i bought my first hardware synth the other day, for 800 aud. its called
a roland jp8080 and is perfect for the style of music ive pursued.
on that note, i just wanna say thanks to all you guys whove made this
group the family it always wanted to be. whether it be through your art,
or the kickass atittude on the chat channel, it makes it all worthwhile
for me to be drawing this dead art form and will continue to do so for
a long ass time.
be sure to tune in around about a months time away from this pack for
the next installment in the sense saga. even though zerovision is going
to own the pack again and you know the outcome, just view it anyway .
enjoy the pack!
- dave aesthetic.
pack23 news by
welcome to the 23rd sense imagery art pack. weve kept our promise in that
we said we were going to start releasing monthly packs. i personally know
that its a really big ask of all the members in this day and age to put
out a pack a month, but i guess its as they say no guts no glory, or as
propane would say i like it when avg touches my knee.
speaking of propane, hed be our latest readdition to the roster. yes
thats right, the grandaddy of smack, the mother of fuck monkey, and just
a downright kickass artist is back with us doing what he does best.
on a side note, it might be worth mentioning that our crazy german friend
m0lotov has finally graduated from high school and has been severely
drunk on cheap german beer since that day. he did manage to get in a nice
piece in the pack however, so maybe we should encourage the guy to be
drunk all the time.
cleaner would like to extend a personal invitation to all the female
artists in the world to come and take up ansi. if this wont settle, i
guess avg looks pretty good in a skirt anyways.
i bought my first hardware synth the other day, for 800 aud. its called
a roland jp8080 and is perfect for the style of music ive pursued.
on that note, i just wanna say thanks to all you guys whove made this
group the family it always wanted to be. whether it be through your art,
or the kickass atittude on the chat channel, it makes it all worthwhile
for me to be drawing this dead art form and will continue to do so for
a long ass time.
be sure to tune in around about a months time away from this pack for
the next installment in the sense saga. even though zerovision is going
to own the pack again and you know the outcome, just view it anyway .
enjoy the pack!
- dave aesthetic.
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