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?7 7 ,od secular ascii pack 7
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j7 1l j7 1l?:: j7. 1l
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y, jTSSlT ., lS ,d7y, :
..,,1.,y?S1171.,y?S11l7 S.,y?7 1 secular 7
? ? 77 ?S
.......,,,the great askii pack ,,,....
: ilTSl
: a good new. we have new member. his name is zmej,
yi hes cool in oldschool, amiga style. no his work
: lilT info included in this pack hes busy, but look for
Tlii::: them in secular-06.
: 7 slash i.e. me leaves to the united states.. ill
spend 4-5 months there working in the state of new
: jersey. so, this 7th pack seems to be the last with
::,,,............, me till the october-november. when im back home
: . ill continue making ascii. hope, someone will miss
: : me. packs will be released on every 19th of the very
.,,,,...,, every month. at least, i want the group to go this
: : : way. ok, lets go on with some news..
. : xaoc is back with some unique stuff. check his
. : . asciis. youve never seen such things, i bet.
. . since slash leaves, weve got new e-mail address
: : for all of your needs. please, check it below.
: : zero now calls himself kaiser zero, so dont be
: : surprised that some of his works are labled like
: : .k0!2k - kaiser zero 2000.
: : if you havent noted, we have a special viewer
. : : program included a-view.com, which allows you
: : to observe all asciis w/o loading special fonts.
: ::: it loads them itself. thanks to helios acidum.
: .,??L.
: j7. 1l ?l
j:7 : 7ilT7 ?:l
: :iiiliil::
y, : jTil 7
: 11 7
?il list of members:
: 7 ,,...,,
: . as-d - ns - as
: : dizz - ns, os, cl - d2
.,,,,...,,.. meph!sto - os - mph
: : : pasha - os, as - psh
: podo - ba - pod
::::,,,,..... slash - ns - sl
xaoc - ns - xc
zero - ba, ns - zro
. zeroix - ns - zix
: zmej - os, as - zj
: ns new school, os old school,
: as amiga style, ba block ascii,
. cl colored
: guests
. jashiin //coslnrg
: x-rip
:: .,?Sb,
:: j7 1l contact:
: j:7 7
ii . our new official e-mail is :
: iS .,. psh@mail.ru
: ?
: . send any wishes, requests, comments and fucks.
:: ............,,, also you can request any other members e-mail
:: : . sending a message to this one.
: ,,,...,,.. . new members are always welcome. send your asciis
/: : to the above specified e-mail.
:,,.::::,,,,..... . guests, youre welcome too!
layout :: as-d :
texts :: slash :