Dark Side Couriers
: DsC - Dark Side Courierz: Welcome to the Dark Side - DsC :
Founders : MaDDNeSS :
High Council : Twoface - OliVeR - Krogar :
Seniors : Justice - Highlandr - WsS - JaGy :
Wazza - Nat - Alm-Deth - Drizzt
Artists : MustangGt - StrikeLight :
Gossamer - Leorick - XFilez - happy
SiteOps : Jackal416 - Resnac :
Couriers wazza - Sting - AlmDeth - Nat - TB303 - WsS
stack - kurr - Highlandr - StUffEd - Matelot
: Oliver - MaDDNeSS - JaGy - Diswolf - WU-GZA :
echo - Krogar - godbless - Longshut - D-Trader
Tainium - Ryan13
: : .x.xX DsC Ftp Sites Xx.x. : :
Site Name Position Speed Size
Warez Seqtor Member Site T3 xxxxx
SBC Member Site T1 xxxxx
Psychadelic Dreams Member Site T3 xxxxx
X-FileZ Member Site T1 xxxxx
The Angry Moose Member Site T1 xxxxx
Rugland West Member Site T1 xxxxx
Frog Pond Archive Site T1 xxxxx
DsC Salutes: : Groups : Razor - Paradigm - NovaStorm - Class
Dod - Pwa - Rise - LnD - Heritage
Devotion - Risc - MnM - RtS - Apoc - Atomic-X
Motiv8 - Thunder
SaC :
: People : Toth - Link - Union - Roy - dee
diztorted - Stinger - sQz
DsC News: xx.xx.97
DsC is rebuilding and cleaning all the non-active
members. We are currently accepting new members
but they must be very dedicated to their work and
: also, they must not have a big EGO cuz we dont :
tolerate that in DsC. We are currently looking
for T1+ Siteops running a unix-based machine.
Contacting The Ones From You Can Reach us Via the Following
the Dark Side Methods:
E-mail: Maddness@swbell.net
Efnet: dsc if u can get invited
WWW: http://looking.for.one
General If You are not in this info and think you
: should be, please contact a senior and the :
situation will be rectified.
Nfo Header and Layout: Strike Light of Superior Art Creations
Nfo Last Updated On: xx.xx.97 By: xxxxxxxxxxx