A G E S ! ::::: ::: :::
:/+:-------- -- - P r e s e n t s - -- --------:+/:
Title..: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx /
: Author.: sheep /:
:/ Type...: xxx :
/ Date...: xx/xx/xx
/ . Options: 23 .
- -- -------+- R e l e a s e . N o t e s -+------------------------------
This game reloads its dlls after every death.. or every level
if you move onto another level it seems that you will need
to re-enable the options again..
BE CAREFUL!!! if for some reason you have enabled some trainer
options then shut the game down.. THEN! reload it again..
because of the way xp manages memory the changes in the code
will still be the same.. BUT!! the code caves that houses the
option code will be blanked.. because its just buffered space..
what this means to you is that it will crash the game every time
you try and play.. what you need to do if that happens is..
either!! remember the options you used and just retap the hotkeys
to activate the code caves again.. or.. copy the uogamex86.dll
delete the old one and rename the new one back to the old one :
This trainer has been tested 1000, if for some reason it crashs
I can tell you now that its due to the xp memory managment and
not the trainer, please follow the above guidelines and we can
all avoid idiot emails.
- -- -------+- C o n t a c t -+------------------------------------------
If you have any reason to get in contact with us then please use
the email address below.
Contact : team.ages@gmail.com
Whatever Quote Goes Here