this image contains text
en! , , , , , 96
, b ,Ssss, ,ss, ,,
sssss , s ss ss ,s, sss sss s ssss-------- s b ssd.- ---- ---- ,d- ---- ------------ , s, , , ,, s
--------- ,, - ,, - ,,- ,, - ,-b-,, -- ,-,s ------- ,ss, ,s,, ,s, s,, T, ,s ,,
, , ,..,s b ,s,
, -ascii- . , .
hey kinder, its endless nameless here, with my debute pack
into the scene. if you want requests, catch me on irc
. enrvl or call arkham asylum the hard way 9o9-247-2862.
hopr you like that collie, not much diversity in the board
names, but next month, it coul be your baord name...
here we go..
-----chop- -- - - - -
arkham asylum chat screen
b,. P,s .,bP s Pi ,s ii s i: b :: . : b sssssss
: , a. . ssss : sssssss b
: s s :: b :i ii sb ib,. ,ss, .,bP P, ,:, ,:
-----chop- -- - - - -
arkham asylum toon menu..
en! rvl arkham/ /asylum
x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
-----chop- -- - - - -
Arkham Asylum noot looking thing :
ssen!rvl! d
s.d :: b
d ,sLLTs, :ii T
T :TS sii: ,sb
,b :isTPss i: b:
Ls :: b ,b
b,iL :i b
y b,, ,
,L ,s,.
s ,:iLsd ,b s
,,,L ::i:LL bLYSaa,.by
TTb,iLb::iiLyb :iLTa,.
S S :::LiiLb:ii:LLs.:iLTa,.T i
sP. sP. ::L: ::iiLL b :iLTa, i:.,iL
,ss ,ss ::L, i:iLlPdb,:iLT,T, L::iLL
: : .:,sbi:L:LL db.: :iTb LiiL
::. ::. iiLl ,b,:iTbs ,s LLL
iTs, iTs,sd ::LLl sb ,:ITTTs ss L
lt .:, lt .:, b i:Li, :YIT bb
Tis,ilL Tis,ilLb ,L:L,:i :I b.
ArkHAM AsyLUM--- L:LiL d ,,:b b,
sssssssssssssssss bLL s.s s
-----chop- -- - - - -
My Board
en!rvl if i had a board, id call it....
... . . . . . . . ,sP , i d .. . . . . ..
, i: d
: i i d . , L
i b .d l
L l
L . L l
L i i i
: : l :
-----chop- -- - - - -
Logo for Horrid Nature
,s ::iiLLs,
,P ::iiLLLY, , .
,b ,d .,s ssssss ,a
: dD ssssP sssss PSs, i:.
: Y, P bw,.ssPSs, b,
b. ,sSPsss Ps, T, ,sPSs,Ti
,P T, T,
Aspire -- ------ - . sssss -----
b,. .,d,,a b,.
b,bsss ,
iTssssssssa , en!rvl sssssss
:P Tii ,
. d
-----chop- -- - - - -
Logo For Diobolica
,a, . ..........
b a
b s a
. s a
, d
s y,.dbd.,dd,sba,en!rvl
-----chop- -- - - - -
Logon For Hooked On opium
b ,s bs,. ,s ,sbs,
::::is s , ,
: :::::S,sds ,sb ds, ds,
: ::,,id,P d 7 L,.
::iidb a s PP s P s Ters
: ssd . . .. .
: ::iP b s aa ,
:::i8 ,db,. Pi b s ,
ssSbssssb . :
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ::iiydss.
: :iisPb P Now you know your leet when you have art poppn ::iisb,Pi up without request. thanks for every thing..
::iIsb ,s
-----chop- -- - - - -
Menu for io as the moon around jupiter :
. sSP en!rvl : menucommand 5XT b, , . ,s . menucommand :XT b, ,s,sS d . menucommand : :T: b P,ss,s : menucommand :XT---- ,LL, -------- menucommand ::XT LL .s, LL., : menucommand :XT----- ,LLb LL i, 8----- i menucommand T: .iiLL, ,iLLi 4 i menucommand :XT: ,:i , ,iiid ,L, menucommand :XTi , .::,o ,L, menucommand TTs ss b,6ssss , ,4A b sssssssLa,. menucommand :XTTX5 menucommand 5XTTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XTT: : menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand : :TTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XTTX:: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand ::XTTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XTT menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand TTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XTTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :X :. .:
-----chop- -- - - - -
Yet another toon for Nervouse Shock
-----chop- -- - - - -
Synthetic Destruction Menu
, , ., 6 6 . ..,ss. . . ..,s2s. . 6 6 ,. en!rvl ,s4Li:l . ........ . . s,.... s i. .,ss,. ....,si:.a, .,s4li ,LLi, .:ii4.. .. . . ,a4s . . Lli ...., Li:.... ..4ii:. s:ssssss ss ssss s,LLi: .:ii:. ::iLL Ys. .+ s,...,sLLi: .:ii:.. ........... ..... ....... LLL . . ...:ii:. .:iis. .sii:. .:ii:. .:iid. .dii:. .:ii:.. ..:i:. .:i i ,,,,,,,,,..........................................................,,,,,,,,,
-----chop- -- - - - -
synthetic destruction Pic..
P . a . ,s
Pen!rvl ss
P .: ::::,... ,sP , . .,
P :s :::iiLs P :
,s. :iib
, :, , :, .i . ,i i
,sT :bd . . L
:iT ,:T, b,. ,d . L . ssy
:iiTsi: ::ii::iis ,,s@Ps, , ,sPY@s,
s ::iTTi ::ii :ii ssss ,s ss ss sss
:::i s :iT,s . ,.s .,
: : .:d,d ,s@a ,@ bs,,d
::ib d
. ,..,csss, b, d.s.,Ts,. .,. .
, . synthetic destruction ,
. .....,,,i. L
, :i::iiiP,s L ,
, i
d ,s . d
d P : d
d i . d
ds, i ,sd
-----chop- -- - - - -
Syntetic Destruction Stats Sreen.
en!rvl sb,
,s .Synthetic.Destruction.
i i i
b,. .,bb,. .,b
i i i
-----end- -- - - - -
, b ,Ssss, ,ss, ,,
sssss , s ss ss ,s, sss sss s ssss-------- s b ssd.- ---- ---- ,d- ---- ------------ , s, , , ,, s
--------- ,, - ,, - ,,- ,, - ,-b-,, -- ,-,s ------- ,ss, ,s,, ,s, s,, T, ,s ,,
, , ,..,s b ,s,
, -ascii- . , .
hey kinder, its endless nameless here, with my debute pack
into the scene. if you want requests, catch me on irc
. enrvl or call arkham asylum the hard way 9o9-247-2862.
hopr you like that collie, not much diversity in the board
names, but next month, it coul be your baord name...
here we go..
-----chop- -- - - - -
arkham asylum chat screen
b,. P,s .,bP s Pi ,s ii s i: b :: . : b sssssss
: , a. . ssss : sssssss b
: s s :: b :i ii sb ib,. ,ss, .,bP P, ,:, ,:
-----chop- -- - - - -
arkham asylum toon menu..
en! rvl arkham/ /asylum
x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command x Menu Command
-----chop- -- - - - -
Arkham Asylum noot looking thing :
ssen!rvl! d
s.d :: b
d ,sLLTs, :ii T
T :TS sii: ,sb
,b :isTPss i: b:
Ls :: b ,b
b,iL :i b
y b,, ,
,L ,s,.
s ,:iLsd ,b s
,,,L ::i:LL bLYSaa,.by
TTb,iLb::iiLyb :iLTa,.
S S :::LiiLb:ii:LLs.:iLTa,.T i
sP. sP. ::L: ::iiLL b :iLTa, i:.,iL
,ss ,ss ::L, i:iLlPdb,:iLT,T, L::iLL
: : .:,sbi:L:LL db.: :iTb LiiL
::. ::. iiLl ,b,:iTbs ,s LLL
iTs, iTs,sd ::LLl sb ,:ITTTs ss L
lt .:, lt .:, b i:Li, :YIT bb
Tis,ilL Tis,ilLb ,L:L,:i :I b.
ArkHAM AsyLUM--- L:LiL d ,,:b b,
sssssssssssssssss bLL s.s s
-----chop- -- - - - -
My Board
en!rvl if i had a board, id call it....
... . . . . . . . ,sP , i d .. . . . . ..
, i: d
: i i d . , L
i b .d l
L l
L . L l
L i i i
: : l :
-----chop- -- - - - -
Logo for Horrid Nature
,s ::iiLLs,
,P ::iiLLLY, , .
,b ,d .,s ssssss ,a
: dD ssssP sssss PSs, i:.
: Y, P bw,.ssPSs, b,
b. ,sSPsss Ps, T, ,sPSs,Ti
,P T, T,
Aspire -- ------ - . sssss -----
b,. .,d,,a b,.
b,bsss ,
iTssssssssa , en!rvl sssssss
:P Tii ,
. d
-----chop- -- - - - -
Logo For Diobolica
,a, . ..........
b a
b s a
. s a
, d
s y,.dbd.,dd,sba,en!rvl
-----chop- -- - - - -
Logon For Hooked On opium
b ,s bs,. ,s ,sbs,
::::is s , ,
: :::::S,sds ,sb ds, ds,
: ::,,id,P d 7 L,.
::iidb a s PP s P s Ters
: ssd . . .. .
: ::iP b s aa ,
:::i8 ,db,. Pi b s ,
ssSbssssb . :
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ::iiydss.
: :iisPb P Now you know your leet when you have art poppn ::iisb,Pi up without request. thanks for every thing..
::iIsb ,s
-----chop- -- - - - -
Menu for io as the moon around jupiter :
. sSP en!rvl : menucommand 5XT b, , . ,s . menucommand :XT b, ,s,sS d . menucommand : :T: b P,ss,s : menucommand :XT---- ,LL, -------- menucommand ::XT LL .s, LL., : menucommand :XT----- ,LLb LL i, 8----- i menucommand T: .iiLL, ,iLLi 4 i menucommand :XT: ,:i , ,iiid ,L, menucommand :XTi , .::,o ,L, menucommand TTs ss b,6ssss , ,4A b sssssssLa,. menucommand :XTTX5 menucommand 5XTTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XTT: : menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand : :TTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XTTX:: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand ::XTTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XTT menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand TTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XTTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XTX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :XX: menucommand menucommand menucommand menucommand :X :. .:
-----chop- -- - - - -
Yet another toon for Nervouse Shock
-----chop- -- - - - -
Synthetic Destruction Menu
, , ., 6 6 . ..,ss. . . ..,s2s. . 6 6 ,. en!rvl ,s4Li:l . ........ . . s,.... s i. .,ss,. ....,si:.a, .,s4li ,LLi, .:ii4.. .. . . ,a4s . . Lli ...., Li:.... ..4ii:. s:ssssss ss ssss s,LLi: .:ii:. ::iLL Ys. .+ s,...,sLLi: .:ii:.. ........... ..... ....... LLL . . ...:ii:. .:iis. .sii:. .:ii:. .:iid. .dii:. .:ii:.. ..:i:. .:i i ,,,,,,,,,..........................................................,,,,,,,,,
-----chop- -- - - - -
synthetic destruction Pic..
P . a . ,s
Pen!rvl ss
P .: ::::,... ,sP , . .,
P :s :::iiLs P :
,s. :iib
, :, , :, .i . ,i i
,sT :bd . . L
:iT ,:T, b,. ,d . L . ssy
:iiTsi: ::ii::iis ,,s@Ps, , ,sPY@s,
s ::iTTi ::ii :ii ssss ,s ss ss sss
:::i s :iT,s . ,.s .,
: : .:d,d ,s@a ,@ bs,,d
::ib d
. ,..,csss, b, d.s.,Ts,. .,. .
, . synthetic destruction ,
. .....,,,i. L
, :i::iiiP,s L ,
, i
d ,s . d
d P : d
d i . d
ds, i ,sd
-----chop- -- - - - -
Syntetic Destruction Stats Sreen.
en!rvl sb,
,s .Synthetic.Destruction.
i i i
b,. .,bb,. .,b
i i i
-----end- -- - - - -
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