this image contains text
.ii. P
. . ...::iiiiiiii806780123374899812750712350349IIIIII1F
: ::iii8983590825908345092385288**
5! 15555666666@@@@@@8 !@b.
6665F d55777777666@@@@@@@@@. 4ii.
:776L *!. @@@! i.
l77!b. *.. / ,,. L
:77.. ... @@@@@l @@i
T33334344i. .!. @@@@@@@: . l42@@L
j555777555777. .,ii,. 4L *** :l
.!*45iiii. 4. T .. @@!
2P . : l77788i !. @@mmmm@ lF
: : :77888272 8* 4b. .d!
: 7788772F F .,.,pi*.@@@@@iM.
ll l7877F lb. .j8* .!!2.
: : :772.j*. ,.,2 . ..., 4@L
2 .: 22. . .4P ./.@s@@@@: 12
2L : :lll l2 TL ..d! .iF j22@@@@@@F .22F
:2l. F :2b . .m8F j :2222222b. .,22f
. . .! . 22**4222b.
, 3322422L 4222
cmang *84442!*442222b. T222L
888:. .222F
This ascii is for the WaReZ *!88MMii2!*
scene. Remorse 1981
.ii. P
. . ...::iiiiiiii806780123374899812750712350349IIIIII1F
: ::iii8983590825908345092385288**
5! 15555666666@@@@@@8 !@b.
6665F d55777777666@@@@@@@@@. 4ii.
:776L *!. @@@! i.
l77!b. *.. / ,,. L
:77.. ... @@@@@l @@i
T33334344i. .!. @@@@@@@: . l42@@L
j555777555777. .,ii,. 4L *** :l
.!*45iiii. 4. T .. @@!
2P . : l77788i !. @@mmmm@ lF
: : :77888272 8* 4b. .d!
: 7788772F F .,.,pi*.@@@@@iM.
ll l7877F lb. .j8* .!!2.
: : :772.j*. ,.,2 . ..., 4@L
2 .: 22. . .4P ./.@s@@@@: 12
2L : :lll l2 TL ..d! .iF j22@@@@@@F .22F
:2l. F :2b . .m8F j :2222222b. .,22f
. . .! . 22**4222b.
, 3322422L 4222
cmang *84442!*442222b. T222L
888:. .222F
This ascii is for the WaReZ *!88MMii2!*
scene. Remorse 1981
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