this image contains text
The Story of a little boy named Whirr
a parody in one part
quality in no parts
NOTE: this is a work of supposed humour. anything you deem
to be of a serious nature is all in your own head. So there.
What a wierd little whirr from the wrong side of town!
He turned a new leaf, and now never felt down.
And one fine sunny day, met the girl named E
whose wisdom and beauty shon for all to see.
Oh poor poor whirr! he soon fell in love
with someone who knew not what he thought of.
And E and her friends all had a good time
while whirr sat around and worried about rhyme.
What reason did whirr have for such insane behavior?
it now seemed that E was to be his hearts savior.
now whirr and E spent hours and hours talking,
but whirr got concerned it might be called stalking.
What kind of hint, what kind of sign
could poor whirr hope for from this angel divine?
his mind kept filling with thoughts of her joy,
he kept hoping shed end up with this doodleboy.
Whirr could conquer all troubles, endure all cost
but without Es presence, his heart would be lost
in a world of apathy, a world of pain
with nothing to lose, and nothing to gain.
That is why E means so very much to me
and why this little babble she should probably never see.
See? now what is up there is a complete fabrication. There are times
when you just have to say fuck it and play to people. So thats what
happened up there.
REALIZE THIS, fellow d00dleboys. Spring Fever will soon strike
at least it had better and many of you will find yourselves doing
exactly what was found in this poem. SAVE YOURSELVES!! Stay inside
and play on your computer for the next few months. Dont answer the
phone. Dont look at anyone in school. Dont talk to anyone. Follow
that advice and you should get through spring fever without a scratch.
After all, thats what got you HERE, isnt it?
ooooh, is that sarcasm up there? just might be. Or maybe im an
idiot. Im willing to wager on any combination of the two.
March 9 1998
a parody in one part
quality in no parts
NOTE: this is a work of supposed humour. anything you deem
to be of a serious nature is all in your own head. So there.
What a wierd little whirr from the wrong side of town!
He turned a new leaf, and now never felt down.
And one fine sunny day, met the girl named E
whose wisdom and beauty shon for all to see.
Oh poor poor whirr! he soon fell in love
with someone who knew not what he thought of.
And E and her friends all had a good time
while whirr sat around and worried about rhyme.
What reason did whirr have for such insane behavior?
it now seemed that E was to be his hearts savior.
now whirr and E spent hours and hours talking,
but whirr got concerned it might be called stalking.
What kind of hint, what kind of sign
could poor whirr hope for from this angel divine?
his mind kept filling with thoughts of her joy,
he kept hoping shed end up with this doodleboy.
Whirr could conquer all troubles, endure all cost
but without Es presence, his heart would be lost
in a world of apathy, a world of pain
with nothing to lose, and nothing to gain.
That is why E means so very much to me
and why this little babble she should probably never see.
See? now what is up there is a complete fabrication. There are times
when you just have to say fuck it and play to people. So thats what
happened up there.
REALIZE THIS, fellow d00dleboys. Spring Fever will soon strike
at least it had better and many of you will find yourselves doing
exactly what was found in this poem. SAVE YOURSELVES!! Stay inside
and play on your computer for the next few months. Dont answer the
phone. Dont look at anyone in school. Dont talk to anyone. Follow
that advice and you should get through spring fever without a scratch.
After all, thats what got you HERE, isnt it?
ooooh, is that sarcasm up there? just might be. Or maybe im an
idiot. Im willing to wager on any combination of the two.
March 9 1998
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