this image contains text
nM/wH0 //
// Y / . //.
Opening Info by Whodini
Q. What are you talking about?
A. Im talking about the biggest merge in the history of the PC ASCII scene!
For those of you who dont keep up on the ASCII scene, Trank ACiDs Ascii
division were the two best groups in the PC ASCII scene. Now, with some help
from Radman, Necromancer and Whodini have decided to merge the two together.
The combined group is now called Remorse, and is a division of ACiD.
Q. Who are you?
A. Im Whodini, I founded and ran Trank for 11 packs. I also ran the original
Remorse for the 3 last packs. Ive released Dastardly Deedz, Res Dogs 2,
Everybody Dies, Hellraiser, and helped out on alot of other ascii collies.
Ive been a pretty important figure in the PC ASCII scene for the past couple
of years.
Q. What exactly is Remorse?
A. Remorse is actually an old group, formed years ago by Necromancer and
Necronite. Unfortunately, after Necromancer/Necronite ran it for two
packs, and Omicron/Whodini ran it for three packs, the group died so I
could pursue a brighter future founding Trank.
Q. What does this have to do with ACID?
A. Remorse is a division of ACiD. ASCII Packs are released seperately from
the ACiD pack. Were alot like pHluid, we are run and release seperate from
ACiD, but are still a division of ACiD.
Q. What about the Wu-Trank?
A. For those of you unaware, there was a small division of Trank self-labeled
the Wu-Trank to show their loyalty to the group. Many of them including
me will keep releasing under the group name Wu-Trank, inside of the
Remorse ASCII pack. I myself though, will be releasing under the label
Whodini of Remorse and the Wu-Trank.
Q. How will Remorse be releasing?
A. Remorse will be releasing in pack format, with any collies released that
month included in the pack. Couriering of an Indipendint colly is the
responsibility of that particular artist, since TRSI!Amiga will no longer
be an official courier.
Q. Why the stupid QA format?
A. Im stupid and unoriginal. BUT IM IN ACID SO PHEAR.
Q. Who the hell is Necromancer?
A. I am.
Q. Ok. Great. Whats so dandy about you?
A. Not much.
Q. What have you done in the scene?
A. I have been in the scene since 90, and drawing ascii just as long I
actually started out as a RIPScrip artist, but thats another story. But
I never released or anything. No one had the balls to release ascii in the
PC scene until Piromaniak of TRiBE did back in 94.. maybe late 93. I
forget. And then in the Spring of 94, TinyZ of the Amiga group Katharsis
decided that he would start releasing ascii that he had done on request.
Soon, the original group died, and TinyZ decided to keep the name, but with
a twist. KTS!Ascii was born. Anyway. Because of these two punks, I decided
that it was about time for me to start doing something in the art scene
besides being a mAD-aSS mESSAGE pOSTER. So, I endeavoured to join SHiVER as
the ascii coordinator. I did. It sucked.
Remorse!Ascii was born.
I founded Remorse!Ascii in .. well, sometime in 94 with my friend Necronite,
and after two releases, I decided to take a hiatus from the scene. I was
a pretty important figure in the PC Ascii scene before Whodini was.
The original Remorse!Ascii was the starting point for many of the so-called
oldschool ascii artists today. Some examples include Mr. Kite, Omicron,
Whodini, Hiro Protagonist, K-Spiff, Cable and Piromaniak. Remorse also
served as a testing grounds for ansi artists that wanted to try their
hands at ascii. Some of those artists included Terminator2, Beastie and
Lord Jazz.
I came back, and RaD Man needed an ascii coordinator that would do his job,
and he wanted me to do it. So I took it. I also aid in HTML programming
for ACiD and doing grammar checking and rewriting of text that is not up
to rADDOs standards.
Q. Whats your affiliation with Remorse!Ascii now?
A. I share the coordinator position with my buddy, Whodini.
Q. Why are you letting Whodini put his name first all through this .nfo?
A. This file is his job. Ill get mine in the next one. *grin*
Whodini Necromancer
Public Relations/Recruiting:
Megga Hertz Kaleidas
ASCII Artists:
Ack. Asphixia. Bad Spirit. Cool T. Creaping Death.
Cypher Hex. Deep. Erupt. Enigmatic. Ewheat.
Fahrenheit. Forge. Haji. Hiro Protagonist.
Killa Hertz. Lord Nitrogen. Mice. Nuremburg.
Omicron. Piromaniak. Polymorph.
Sir Death. Spear. Terminator 2. Maestro.
The Messiah. The Silent Killer. Trip. Unsane.
Remorse!Ascii Alumni:
Asylum. Blindman. Cable.
Don Croce. Flick. Misfit.
// Y / . //.
Opening Info by Whodini
Q. What are you talking about?
A. Im talking about the biggest merge in the history of the PC ASCII scene!
For those of you who dont keep up on the ASCII scene, Trank ACiDs Ascii
division were the two best groups in the PC ASCII scene. Now, with some help
from Radman, Necromancer and Whodini have decided to merge the two together.
The combined group is now called Remorse, and is a division of ACiD.
Q. Who are you?
A. Im Whodini, I founded and ran Trank for 11 packs. I also ran the original
Remorse for the 3 last packs. Ive released Dastardly Deedz, Res Dogs 2,
Everybody Dies, Hellraiser, and helped out on alot of other ascii collies.
Ive been a pretty important figure in the PC ASCII scene for the past couple
of years.
Q. What exactly is Remorse?
A. Remorse is actually an old group, formed years ago by Necromancer and
Necronite. Unfortunately, after Necromancer/Necronite ran it for two
packs, and Omicron/Whodini ran it for three packs, the group died so I
could pursue a brighter future founding Trank.
Q. What does this have to do with ACID?
A. Remorse is a division of ACiD. ASCII Packs are released seperately from
the ACiD pack. Were alot like pHluid, we are run and release seperate from
ACiD, but are still a division of ACiD.
Q. What about the Wu-Trank?
A. For those of you unaware, there was a small division of Trank self-labeled
the Wu-Trank to show their loyalty to the group. Many of them including
me will keep releasing under the group name Wu-Trank, inside of the
Remorse ASCII pack. I myself though, will be releasing under the label
Whodini of Remorse and the Wu-Trank.
Q. How will Remorse be releasing?
A. Remorse will be releasing in pack format, with any collies released that
month included in the pack. Couriering of an Indipendint colly is the
responsibility of that particular artist, since TRSI!Amiga will no longer
be an official courier.
Q. Why the stupid QA format?
A. Im stupid and unoriginal. BUT IM IN ACID SO PHEAR.
Q. Who the hell is Necromancer?
A. I am.
Q. Ok. Great. Whats so dandy about you?
A. Not much.
Q. What have you done in the scene?
A. I have been in the scene since 90, and drawing ascii just as long I
actually started out as a RIPScrip artist, but thats another story. But
I never released or anything. No one had the balls to release ascii in the
PC scene until Piromaniak of TRiBE did back in 94.. maybe late 93. I
forget. And then in the Spring of 94, TinyZ of the Amiga group Katharsis
decided that he would start releasing ascii that he had done on request.
Soon, the original group died, and TinyZ decided to keep the name, but with
a twist. KTS!Ascii was born. Anyway. Because of these two punks, I decided
that it was about time for me to start doing something in the art scene
besides being a mAD-aSS mESSAGE pOSTER. So, I endeavoured to join SHiVER as
the ascii coordinator. I did. It sucked.
Remorse!Ascii was born.
I founded Remorse!Ascii in .. well, sometime in 94 with my friend Necronite,
and after two releases, I decided to take a hiatus from the scene. I was
a pretty important figure in the PC Ascii scene before Whodini was.
The original Remorse!Ascii was the starting point for many of the so-called
oldschool ascii artists today. Some examples include Mr. Kite, Omicron,
Whodini, Hiro Protagonist, K-Spiff, Cable and Piromaniak. Remorse also
served as a testing grounds for ansi artists that wanted to try their
hands at ascii. Some of those artists included Terminator2, Beastie and
Lord Jazz.
I came back, and RaD Man needed an ascii coordinator that would do his job,
and he wanted me to do it. So I took it. I also aid in HTML programming
for ACiD and doing grammar checking and rewriting of text that is not up
to rADDOs standards.
Q. Whats your affiliation with Remorse!Ascii now?
A. I share the coordinator position with my buddy, Whodini.
Q. Why are you letting Whodini put his name first all through this .nfo?
A. This file is his job. Ill get mine in the next one. *grin*
Whodini Necromancer
Public Relations/Recruiting:
Megga Hertz Kaleidas
ASCII Artists:
Ack. Asphixia. Bad Spirit. Cool T. Creaping Death.
Cypher Hex. Deep. Erupt. Enigmatic. Ewheat.
Fahrenheit. Forge. Haji. Hiro Protagonist.
Killa Hertz. Lord Nitrogen. Mice. Nuremburg.
Omicron. Piromaniak. Polymorph.
Sir Death. Spear. Terminator 2. Maestro.
The Messiah. The Silent Killer. Trip. Unsane.
Remorse!Ascii Alumni:
Asylum. Blindman. Cable.
Don Croce. Flick. Misfit.
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