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Pressure by Kevin Thomas McQuail
Rusty. This symbolizes the
pressure I am
watching all of my friends succumb to right now as I,
for various reasons, have
been going through the best time of my life.
The border around the face, the background, that is,
symbolizes the silver
lining. If you can make it through what you are faci
ng, in hard times, then
it can only get better. Said my friend who got dumpe
d last night after shed
been dating a guy for 10 months It cant get wor
se, thats good.. I dedicate
this to all of my friends. Hang in there, guys.
Pressure by Kevin Thomas McQuail
Rusty. This symbolizes the
pressure I am
watching all of my friends succumb to right now as I,
for various reasons, have
been going through the best time of my life.
The border around the face, the background, that is,
symbolizes the silver
lining. If you can make it through what you are faci
ng, in hard times, then
it can only get better. Said my friend who got dumpe
d last night after shed
been dating a guy for 10 months It cant get wor
se, thats good.. I dedicate
this to all of my friends. Hang in there, guys.
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