this image contains text
rigor newsletter! month: march year: 1996
room : 204 period: 1
well... the last pack brought out some ideas.
we here at the secret rigor headquarters have
chosen to pay no attention to those ideas ..
No really though .. I personally received a
relatively positive response MORE HUMOR LESS
NEWS! seemed to be the attitude of the users.
Im surprised half these people can read ..
well .. I know this newsletter wont be as good
as the first.. it never is, but... I do have
people that rip ansis another award ceremony later on in this doc
should be shot!!!
first things first!
hey.. every pack is an improvement... we have some new talent this month,
Creator, has joined Rigor, as well as a few new coders, Emmers, and Dark
Servant. We now have a .RIP artist among us, Bezerker. Id also like to
welcome back Corpulent Cow, for after a pack of departure, and joining ICE,
will be showing his talent once again in Rigor. Also special thanks go to
Howard Stern, who although very busy, has contributed his nice screens to
us, thanks HS. Id also like to thank Cesspool, and Bigge Pif, for guest
appearing in this pack. Id also like to bid farewell to Perpetual, whom
I received word has left the scene. Also some thanks to Miasma, Jeepee,
Blatz, and Tox Mox for guesting. Id name all the new members, but theres
just too damned many.
spring is coming!
well ... spring is coming, which means its time for
new life, new members, new promises to break .. so
lets get some people to APPLY!! Join the fun .. and..
new life? shrug new promises?... I as a rigor senior
promise to do all my homework so I dont get punished for
another five weeks with no CPU ..
get well soon!
by word of mouth, I have received information that Jazzman has shattered
his hip, and cannot do much of anything lately, this accounts for his absense
in this months pack..get well soon Jazzman!
i would like to dedicate this pack, to someone who has stuck with us
through think and thin, and has helped make this one of the best productions
from rigor, even though his quality far exceeds ours. Thanks S.a.n. Man! :
not much else ...
not much else to do, and Im running out of space killers .. I think
Ill end it here... This has been Hack Master representing RIGOR productions.
** The things said in this newsletter are not necessarily the opinions of
RIGOR or any of its members. Most of this newsletter was written for
entertainment purposes only **
- -- Hack Master Rigor
Sportz Rigor
Corpulent Cow iCE.Rigor.Mop
Skippers Son Rigor
word from the other seniors ...
Its my turn darlinz...
Whut up, whut up! Tis the one and only, S.A.N. MAN representin RIGOR to
fullest, know what Im sayin. ... and kick it for the homeyz Headz
are realizing the Rigor Revolution, takin its toll in the nine-six. Revo-
lutionizing the scene RIGgankinStyle. Whateva whateva...
NO EGOS IN 96 Campaign...
The NO EGOS IN 96 policy is in affect! No damn egos in the nine sickle.
Listen up kidz, if ya bored by them damn foo with them big ass egos, itz time
for yallz to put the NO EGOS IN 96 policy in ACTION. Dont matter if ya in
iCE, FiRE, ACID, RIGOR, RILE, CIA, MoP, whateva whateva, all in favor for
the NO EGOS IN 96 policy, than in ya next piece of art, anywhere, put NO
EGOS IN 96. Down with arrogance. Recognizing the humble peepz in the scene!
Greets SM style...
Sportz need to rock rock on, Brass Monkey need to rock rock on, Deranged Fan
need to rock rock on, HS need to rock rock on, Cesspool need to rock rock on,
CoH need to rock rock on and, Corpulent Cow need to rock rock on and, All
the b0oz on irc need to rock rock on and, The Rigbo0z need to rock rock
on and all the new new Rigbo0z need to rock rock on. Truuu...
We are eye ball to eye ball and I think the other fella just blinked
-sm rigor-senior
Newsletter stuff ..
It just goes to show what a little dedication and hard work can do. So
many people have contributed to bringing this group to where it is. Im only
been in about 7 groups and never have I seen more dedication then what I see
here. To think 516 had the capacity to even have a music disk let alone one
that was over 3 megs unzipped! And the artists that popped out of no where
are turning heads from groups who have been around for ages. And our amazing
coders who has gone through numerous viewers and loaders are getting better
and better by the pack. Well, I shouldnt have to boast of our where abouts.
This art pack and Music Disk i says it all. Id like to congradulate all
the Rigor members for a job well done.
-Brass Monkey RGR.TeklordZ.MGM.8088
- more
As you can tell, Rigor has progressed in terms of talent and organization
over the past few months. Through all the ups and downs we had in our group
and area code, Rigor has managed to stay together, committed to showcasing
our most original and creative artwork. From this point on we will be
enforcing quality control in our packs to enhance the styles of our already
talented members and to represent Rigor as a quality producing group. From
the new members we have aquired to the guest artists and distro sites we have
established, this months pack is a successful one. Greetings go to Brass
Monkey and the Rigor Music Division for the third kick ass music disk
release. Definitely a good variety of tunes to check out. All in all, the
future of Rigor looks very promising :
- Deranged Fan
Corpulent Cow: thanks for the help man :
Brass Monkey: Dont ask me, I only work here.
S.a.n. Man: how about that joint pic eh?
Cesspool: damn, pixel by pixel?? how do ya do it :
Flame: ahhh peace at last :
room : 204 period: 1
well... the last pack brought out some ideas.
we here at the secret rigor headquarters have
chosen to pay no attention to those ideas ..
No really though .. I personally received a
relatively positive response MORE HUMOR LESS
NEWS! seemed to be the attitude of the users.
Im surprised half these people can read ..
well .. I know this newsletter wont be as good
as the first.. it never is, but... I do have
people that rip ansis another award ceremony later on in this doc
should be shot!!!
first things first!
hey.. every pack is an improvement... we have some new talent this month,
Creator, has joined Rigor, as well as a few new coders, Emmers, and Dark
Servant. We now have a .RIP artist among us, Bezerker. Id also like to
welcome back Corpulent Cow, for after a pack of departure, and joining ICE,
will be showing his talent once again in Rigor. Also special thanks go to
Howard Stern, who although very busy, has contributed his nice screens to
us, thanks HS. Id also like to thank Cesspool, and Bigge Pif, for guest
appearing in this pack. Id also like to bid farewell to Perpetual, whom
I received word has left the scene. Also some thanks to Miasma, Jeepee,
Blatz, and Tox Mox for guesting. Id name all the new members, but theres
just too damned many.
spring is coming!
well ... spring is coming, which means its time for
new life, new members, new promises to break .. so
lets get some people to APPLY!! Join the fun .. and..
new life? shrug new promises?... I as a rigor senior
promise to do all my homework so I dont get punished for
another five weeks with no CPU ..
get well soon!
by word of mouth, I have received information that Jazzman has shattered
his hip, and cannot do much of anything lately, this accounts for his absense
in this months pack..get well soon Jazzman!
i would like to dedicate this pack, to someone who has stuck with us
through think and thin, and has helped make this one of the best productions
from rigor, even though his quality far exceeds ours. Thanks S.a.n. Man! :
not much else ...
not much else to do, and Im running out of space killers .. I think
Ill end it here... This has been Hack Master representing RIGOR productions.
** The things said in this newsletter are not necessarily the opinions of
RIGOR or any of its members. Most of this newsletter was written for
entertainment purposes only **
- -- Hack Master Rigor
Sportz Rigor
Corpulent Cow iCE.Rigor.Mop
Skippers Son Rigor
word from the other seniors ...
Its my turn darlinz...
Whut up, whut up! Tis the one and only, S.A.N. MAN representin RIGOR to
fullest, know what Im sayin. ... and kick it for the homeyz Headz
are realizing the Rigor Revolution, takin its toll in the nine-six. Revo-
lutionizing the scene RIGgankinStyle. Whateva whateva...
NO EGOS IN 96 Campaign...
The NO EGOS IN 96 policy is in affect! No damn egos in the nine sickle.
Listen up kidz, if ya bored by them damn foo with them big ass egos, itz time
for yallz to put the NO EGOS IN 96 policy in ACTION. Dont matter if ya in
iCE, FiRE, ACID, RIGOR, RILE, CIA, MoP, whateva whateva, all in favor for
the NO EGOS IN 96 policy, than in ya next piece of art, anywhere, put NO
EGOS IN 96. Down with arrogance. Recognizing the humble peepz in the scene!
Greets SM style...
Sportz need to rock rock on, Brass Monkey need to rock rock on, Deranged Fan
need to rock rock on, HS need to rock rock on, Cesspool need to rock rock on,
CoH need to rock rock on and, Corpulent Cow need to rock rock on and, All
the b0oz on irc need to rock rock on and, The Rigbo0z need to rock rock
on and all the new new Rigbo0z need to rock rock on. Truuu...
We are eye ball to eye ball and I think the other fella just blinked
-sm rigor-senior
Newsletter stuff ..
It just goes to show what a little dedication and hard work can do. So
many people have contributed to bringing this group to where it is. Im only
been in about 7 groups and never have I seen more dedication then what I see
here. To think 516 had the capacity to even have a music disk let alone one
that was over 3 megs unzipped! And the artists that popped out of no where
are turning heads from groups who have been around for ages. And our amazing
coders who has gone through numerous viewers and loaders are getting better
and better by the pack. Well, I shouldnt have to boast of our where abouts.
This art pack and Music Disk i says it all. Id like to congradulate all
the Rigor members for a job well done.
-Brass Monkey RGR.TeklordZ.MGM.8088
- more
As you can tell, Rigor has progressed in terms of talent and organization
over the past few months. Through all the ups and downs we had in our group
and area code, Rigor has managed to stay together, committed to showcasing
our most original and creative artwork. From this point on we will be
enforcing quality control in our packs to enhance the styles of our already
talented members and to represent Rigor as a quality producing group. From
the new members we have aquired to the guest artists and distro sites we have
established, this months pack is a successful one. Greetings go to Brass
Monkey and the Rigor Music Division for the third kick ass music disk
release. Definitely a good variety of tunes to check out. All in all, the
future of Rigor looks very promising :
- Deranged Fan
Corpulent Cow: thanks for the help man :
Brass Monkey: Dont ask me, I only work here.
S.a.n. Man: how about that joint pic eh?
Cesspool: damn, pixel by pixel?? how do ya do it :
Flame: ahhh peace at last :
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