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fourty two?
filth here, just wanted to say that kitiara rules the earth.
if you rememeber mefilth from my cia days youll remember i drew a shitty pic
for some board called, uh, well i forget the name, but i used an eye for a sig.
then like a year later kit started doing it, and i was afraid people thought i
ripped her idea, cause she rocked, and i sucked. :
i actually
watch rugrats -filth
h y s t e r i a
ran by that nukedream guy
this ansi was thinked up by kitiara and zpe talented rca folk
and it was fonted by filth eerie wanna-be legion discrace
fourty two?
filth here, just wanted to say that kitiara rules the earth.
if you rememeber mefilth from my cia days youll remember i drew a shitty pic
for some board called, uh, well i forget the name, but i used an eye for a sig.
then like a year later kit started doing it, and i was afraid people thought i
ripped her idea, cause she rocked, and i sucked. :
i actually
watch rugrats -filth
h y s t e r i a
ran by that nukedream guy
this ansi was thinked up by kitiara and zpe talented rca folk
and it was fonted by filth eerie wanna-be legion discrace
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