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r e n d e r i n g a r t i s t i c l y
i n s a n e d e s i g n s
Senior Staff.
Fab One Grateful Dead Undergod
Achillies Pantera Pestilence
Achillies ANSI Asian Knight ANSI Aura of Death LIT
Avalanche ASCII Corn Dog ANSI Darkforce ANSI
Dark Force D2 ANSI Digital Necromancer VGA Elysius LIT/ANSI
Emerald Skelter ANSI Equinox VGA Eto CODE Fab One LIT
Flomo LIT Freaq MUSIC Freestyle CODE/ANSI Fusion X ANSI
Grateful Dead ANSI/LIT Havoc ANSI Innate Malice ANSI/CODE
Inquisidor LIT Kindred VGA Morbius ANSI Ogre LIT
Prince of Evil LIT Prophet ANSI Pure Voltage ANSI
Screaming Rage ANSI Silent Mobius ANSI Silver Reaper ANSI
Smokescreen VGA Solinari LIT Spirit of Illusion ANSI
Suicidal Maniac RIP Synthetic Ash ANSI The Warlord CODE
Wildcard LIT Vanquish ANSI Young ANSI
Cryptic Pain Fab One Pestilence
there ya go a nice little spiffy memberlisting.. err the cyan color indicates
the head of their respected departments. aight well got nottin else to say
sept sup to iq and wc. :
i n s a n e d e s i g n s
Senior Staff.
Fab One Grateful Dead Undergod
Achillies Pantera Pestilence
Achillies ANSI Asian Knight ANSI Aura of Death LIT
Avalanche ASCII Corn Dog ANSI Darkforce ANSI
Dark Force D2 ANSI Digital Necromancer VGA Elysius LIT/ANSI
Emerald Skelter ANSI Equinox VGA Eto CODE Fab One LIT
Flomo LIT Freaq MUSIC Freestyle CODE/ANSI Fusion X ANSI
Grateful Dead ANSI/LIT Havoc ANSI Innate Malice ANSI/CODE
Inquisidor LIT Kindred VGA Morbius ANSI Ogre LIT
Prince of Evil LIT Prophet ANSI Pure Voltage ANSI
Screaming Rage ANSI Silent Mobius ANSI Silver Reaper ANSI
Smokescreen VGA Solinari LIT Spirit of Illusion ANSI
Suicidal Maniac RIP Synthetic Ash ANSI The Warlord CODE
Wildcard LIT Vanquish ANSI Young ANSI
Cryptic Pain Fab One Pestilence
there ya go a nice little spiffy memberlisting.. err the cyan color indicates
the head of their respected departments. aight well got nottin else to say
sept sup to iq and wc. :
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