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ARSiN Productions
it comes to an end. over 2 years of ARSiN Productions is no
w over. at least for
now. its sad. in 1996 maddog hoek started ARSiN just to mak
e ansi for ppl in the209 area code. he didnt care about mak
ing a pak every month, or trying to be
better then another group. he didnt even care if ppl liked
his art. he just
wanted to help ppl. and thats what ARSiN has always been ab
out. it never had no
colorful web page, with sick vgas, all it was, was just bbs
based. even in 1998
it had no web page. 100 bbsed. ARSiN has come along way. m
any ppl have never
ever even heard of ARSiN Productions. but thats alright. be
cuz we never asked
you to know us. hell, half our art we never put in a pak, w
e just gave it to
the ppl that requested it.
209 has been the home of ARSiN for the longest time. never
leaving it. maddog
hoek didnt care about getting out of state, or out the coun
try. he just wanted
to make ansi. just art.
well its all over with now. you see maddog hoek aka dead pi
ranha has left. he
moved to LA, way outside the 209 area. and he decided to le
ave me running it.
but at last, like all good things do, it has come to an end
. theres just no
heart left here. ARSiN once stood for fun. it has now becom
e a matter of gettinthe pak out in time. i wont run ARSiN
like that. i cant.
so for right now ARSiN is dead. it wont stay like that. it
will be back. bigger
and better then ever before. but for right now, its no more
id like to thank all past ARSiN members.. even tho i reall
y dont think none
of them will read this.
dark force: for well over 5 years youve been the 209. in m
Oist, ARSiN, etc.
programing Crisis BBS, and qwk editors.. your a real bbser.
i know your going
through some hard times right now. but i hope someday you c
ome bak to the area.
later dude.
liquid: i guess your still going. now in rebel art. i know
your going to be sad
that ARSiN is dead. but thats just the way it is my friend.
i know you will
see this. and i bet your the only ARSiN member to read this
. so when ARSiN comesback, youll be the first one i call b
fusion x: what can i say. your ascii is some of the best th
e 209 has ever seen.
never really been colorful, but always having a nice style
in it. very old
skool. yet still having something to catch your eye. i will
miss working with
you. peace.
dead piranha: the leader. youve showed me so much. you sho
wed me that art
doesnt have to be about making the dead line, or out doing
someone else. just
working to make yourself better. just becuz you like your a
rt. after all this
isnt a job. it never has been. i have never gotten one doll
ar for drawing ansi.
and i never will. im not here to make a buck. im just her
e to style and
profile. do art the way i like art. have fun. nothing more.
thanx man.
guess thats it. ARSiN is now closed. but dont count us out
yet. we will be back.count on it.
greetz to: pogue.. smoke.. phiber.. rage.. lost soul.. ever
yone is wOe.. and youfoolz in rebel art.
-King Sting
it comes to an end. over 2 years of ARSiN Productions is no
w over. at least for
now. its sad. in 1996 maddog hoek started ARSiN just to mak
e ansi for ppl in the209 area code. he didnt care about mak
ing a pak every month, or trying to be
better then another group. he didnt even care if ppl liked
his art. he just
wanted to help ppl. and thats what ARSiN has always been ab
out. it never had no
colorful web page, with sick vgas, all it was, was just bbs
based. even in 1998
it had no web page. 100 bbsed. ARSiN has come along way. m
any ppl have never
ever even heard of ARSiN Productions. but thats alright. be
cuz we never asked
you to know us. hell, half our art we never put in a pak, w
e just gave it to
the ppl that requested it.
209 has been the home of ARSiN for the longest time. never
leaving it. maddog
hoek didnt care about getting out of state, or out the coun
try. he just wanted
to make ansi. just art.
well its all over with now. you see maddog hoek aka dead pi
ranha has left. he
moved to LA, way outside the 209 area. and he decided to le
ave me running it.
but at last, like all good things do, it has come to an end
. theres just no
heart left here. ARSiN once stood for fun. it has now becom
e a matter of gettinthe pak out in time. i wont run ARSiN
like that. i cant.
so for right now ARSiN is dead. it wont stay like that. it
will be back. bigger
and better then ever before. but for right now, its no more
id like to thank all past ARSiN members.. even tho i reall
y dont think none
of them will read this.
dark force: for well over 5 years youve been the 209. in m
Oist, ARSiN, etc.
programing Crisis BBS, and qwk editors.. your a real bbser.
i know your going
through some hard times right now. but i hope someday you c
ome bak to the area.
later dude.
liquid: i guess your still going. now in rebel art. i know
your going to be sad
that ARSiN is dead. but thats just the way it is my friend.
i know you will
see this. and i bet your the only ARSiN member to read this
. so when ARSiN comesback, youll be the first one i call b
fusion x: what can i say. your ascii is some of the best th
e 209 has ever seen.
never really been colorful, but always having a nice style
in it. very old
skool. yet still having something to catch your eye. i will
miss working with
you. peace.
dead piranha: the leader. youve showed me so much. you sho
wed me that art
doesnt have to be about making the dead line, or out doing
someone else. just
working to make yourself better. just becuz you like your a
rt. after all this
isnt a job. it never has been. i have never gotten one doll
ar for drawing ansi.
and i never will. im not here to make a buck. im just her
e to style and
profile. do art the way i like art. have fun. nothing more.
thanx man.
guess thats it. ARSiN is now closed. but dont count us out
yet. we will be back.count on it.
greetz to: pogue.. smoke.. phiber.. rage.. lost soul.. ever
yone is wOe.. and youfoolz in rebel art.
-King Sting
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